Path: SCPro/ProSensors
% Compute the parameters necessary to place a camera at a target. Units: rECI, rBody are generally in km while radius is in m. If camera is empty will use a default 10 degree FOV camera. Since version 8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [qCamera,rCamera,distance] = AutoPoint( mode, camera, gTarget, rBody ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ mode (:) Mode, 'above', 'lvlh', 'fixed' camera (:) Camera model from CameraDatabase gTarget (:) CAD model of the target spacecraft or structure with fields rECI, vECI, radius rBody (3,1) Location of body for fixed mode (km) ------- Outputs ------- qCamera (4,1) World to body quaternion rCamera (3,1) Locaton of camera in world (m) distance (1,1) Distance between camera and target --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: Coord/QAlign AerospaceUtils: Coord/QLVLH AerospaceUtils: Coord/U2AzEl Common: Quaternion/QTForm Common: Quaternion/U2Q Imaging: Optics/AngleOfView Math: Linear/Mag Math: Linear/Unit SCPro: ProSensors/CameraDatabase
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