Lander2D | Landing demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming. |
Lander3D | 3D lander simulation. |
LunarTakeoff3D | Lunar takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming. |
Takeoff2D | Takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming. |
BLDCMDemo | Brushless DC motor simulation. |
DesignAirCoreTorquer | Design and draw an air core magnetic torquer |
FrictionComparisonSim | Compare friction models |
RWAResponse | Implements and simulates a spacecraft with 3 orthogonal reaction wheels. |
AttitudeProfileConstraintsDemo | Demonstrate the AttitudeProfileWithCon function. |
DisturbanceModelComparison | Comparison of CubeSat and SCT Disturbance models |
SpacecraftWithIMUDemo | 3-axis spacecraft with an IMU simulation |
EarthTargetPointingSim | Point at an earth target and spin about the pointing vector. |
MAPControlSim | Implements and simulates the MAP normal mode control. |
NadirSunPointingDemo | An attitude and orbit simulation with reaction wheels. |
SCPointingDemo | Demonstrate a spacecraft in orbit pointing at a target on the Earth |
SolarMomentumControl | Controls the momentum in a spacecraft using solar pressure. |
SpacecraftWithRWADemo | An attitude and orbit simulation with reaction wheels. |
TelescopePointingSim | Simulate a momentum bias spacecraft with a telescope on a roll pivot |
ThreeAxisControl | Implements and simulates a spacecraft with reaction wheels and thrusters. |
VectorTracking | Demonstrate vector tracking using PID3Axis. |
EuropaEnvironment | Europa atmospheric density and Jupiter magnetic field near Europa. |
SolarFluxDemo | Solar flux variation over Earth orbit. |
EclipseDurationSunSync | Dawn-Dusk SSO eclipse calculations |
ProgramCosts | Compute program costs |
DFDMarsMission | Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Mars Mission using an Orion capsule. |
DFDSpaceStation | Direct Fusion Drive-powered space station design. |
EuropaMissionDesign | Design the Europa Clipper mission using a nuclear fusion engine. |
GPSNavDemo | Demonstrate GPS navigation message model. |
GPSTimeDilation | GPS time dilation. |
PointCameraDemo | Demonstrate camera pointing. The default 10 deg FOV camera is used. |
SolarSystemObservables | Displays navigation observables for two NASA missions. |
ZoomLens | Compute the L3 lens position in a Cooke Triplet. |
ConstraintForceAndTorque | Computes the constraint forces and torques. |
GravityGradientAnalytical | Analytical eigenvalues for gravity gradient stabilization. |
GravityGradientEigenvalues | Compute the eigenvalues for a gravity gradient stabilized spacecraft. |
LinOrbNormalized | Computes the normalized linearized orbit state equations. |
RHSNBodyCentralHub | Right hand side for a n bodies attached to a central hub. |
RHSNSpacecraft | Computes the time derivative of n spacecraft. |
RHSPlanetTakeoff | Right-hand-side for a 2 dimensional planet takeoff. |
RHSPointMass | Spacecraft orbit dynamics with time-varying mass. |
RHSRWA | Right-hand-side of spacecraft dynamical equations with reaction wheels. |
RHSRWAIDotSC | Right-hand-side of the spacecraft dynamical equations. |
RHSRWASC | Right-hand-side of the dynamical equations with three ReactionWheels. |
RHSRigidBody6DOF | 6 DOF spacecraft dynamics with a double integrator position model. |
RHSRigidBodyLinear | Linearized attitude dynamics for a rigid body. |
RHSRigidBodyMass | Spacecraft attitude and orbit dynamics with time-varying mass. |
RHSRigidBodyOffsetCM | Right hand side of a rigid body with offset CM |
RHSRigidBodyWithTarget | Right-hand-side of spacecraft dynamical equations with a second spacecraft. |
RHSSpacecraftWithIMU | Right-hand-side for a spacecraft with an IMU |
RHSSpacecraftWithRWA | Computes the right hand side for a spacecraft with reaction wheels. |
RHSThreeBody | Right hand side for a three body system. |
SeparationSim | Simulate separation of multiple satellites from a carrier. |
ThreeAxisControlDisturb | Computes disturbances for ThreeAxisControl.m |
BilinearTangentAltitude | Bilinear tangent law for maximizing altitude on launch. |
BilinearTangentLaw | Bilinear tangent law for orbit insertion or landing. |
BilinearTangentVector | Bilinear tangent law in vector form for orbit insertion or landing. |
FuelTimeOptimalAccel | Computes the optimal acceleration for a fuel/time problem. |
LandingControl | Landing controller. |
LandingControlBilinear | Implements a bilinear tangent landing controller. |
LandingControlGravityTurn | Gravity turn landing controller. |
LandingForce | Landing force in the body frame. |
ECLSSSizing | Sizes an Environmental Control and Life Support subsystem (ECLSS). |
AirCoreMagneticTorquerDesign | Design a minimum mass air core magnetic torquer. |
BLDCMFlux | Brushless DC Motor back emf. |
BLDCMFriction | Brushless DC Motor friction |
BLDCMInverter | Brushless DC Motor commutation using a 6 switch inverter. |
BLDCMRHS | Brushless DC Motor simulation |
MagneticTorquerDesign | Design a minimum mass magnetic torquer. |
MagneticTorquerDipoleMoment | Compute the moment for a magnetic torquer. |
PlotHysteresis | Create hysteresis plots. |
RHSFriction | Computes dynamics with friction for two different models. |
RWAWithPower | RWA with power and heat. |
ReactionWheel | RWA model. This models an RWA using Hall sensors. |
ReactionWheelFriction | Computes the friction for a reaction wheel. |
ReactionWheelStress | Reaction wheel strength and momentum. |
StepSim | Simulates a two phase stepper motor. |
ThrusterAndRWACommand | Computes forces and torques for RWAs and thrusters using off-pulsing. |
WheelSpeed | Compute the wheel speeds for a set of reaction wheels. |
AStarAttitudeTrajectory | Compute a trajectory to avoid stayout zones using AStar |
AttitudeProfilePlots | Make time history plots of an attitude profile. See AttitudeProfileWithCon.m |
AttitudeProfileVis | Visualize an attitude profile with constraints. |
AttitudeProfileWithCon | Build a constrained attitude profile consisting of multiple overlapping modes. |
AttitudeTarget | Generate a reference quaternion for a variety of targets. |
GroundTrackErrorBudget | Generate a ground track error budget. |
ManeuverCostSphere | Maneuver cost on a sphere |
QAlignWithCon | Rotate about a body axis to align a body vector with an inertial vector |
QRotateToAlignWithCon | Calculate the alignment quaternion while applying constraints |
PID3Axis | A PID Based 3 axis controller for rigid body. |
ThrusterCommand | Computes forces and torques for a set a thrusters using off-pulsing. |
AlbedoFromTextureMap | Creates an albedo map from a texture map. |
AtmDensNeptune | Computes Neptune's atmospheric density using scale heights. |
AtmJ70ToGround | Computes the atmospheric density using Jacchia's 1970 model or scale heights. |
AtmScaleHeightsStdAtm | Computes the atmospheric density using scale heights above 80 km. |
BDipoleJupiter | Computes Jupiter's magnetic field based on a tilted dipole model. |
DistAero | Computes the aerodynamic disturbance using a Newtonian model. |
DistAlbedo | Computes the albedo disturbance |
DistRadiation | Computes the radiation disturbance from the central body. |
DistSolar | Computes the albedo disturbance. |
DistributedAlbedo | Computes albedo from a texture map. |
LocalStarMap | Generates a local star map. Epoch is J2000. |
NeptuneDensity | Compute the atm. density (kg/m^3) on Neptune given the altitude (km) |
NewtonianForceECI | Computes the Newtonian force in ECI coordinates. |
SolarFluxFromPlateECI | Computes the flux from a flat plate. |
StarTexture | Create a star texture for use in other programs. |
TerminatorPlanet | Computes the terminator circle on a planet. |
AsteroidProperties | Asteroid properties. |
EarthEclipseDuration | Compute the eclipse duration in earth orbit. |
GalileanSatelliteOrbits | Low precision orbits of the four major Galilean satellites. |
AiryDisk | Computes the diameter of the Airy Disk. |
AreaOfRectCircInt | Computes the area of intersection of a rectangle and a circle. |
AutoPoint | Compute the parameters necessary to place a camera at a target. |
CameraDatabase | Get default camera properties for different camera models. |
CameraImage | Generates the 2D coordinates in the focal plane for a camera. |
CameraResolution | Resolution of an optical sensor. |
CameraTransform | Generate a camera transformation. |
CentroidNoise | Compute centroid noise terms for an optical sensor. |
GPSOrbit | Position and velocity of a GPS satellite in the earth-fixed reference frame. |
GPSReceiver | GPS receiver model. Models the GPS constellation. |
GPSReceiverNav | GPS receiver model with navigation message model. |
GPSSatellite | Gives the location of the GPS satellites at JD. |
GravitationalTimeDilation | Gravitational time dilation. |
IFOV | Instantaneous field of view of an optical sensor. |
IMU | Inertial measurement unit model. |
Illumination | Camera illumination model. |
IntensityDistribution | Computes the pixel map intensity. |
NavObservables | Computes optical navigation observables. |
NavigationMeasurement | Navigation measurement model. |
PointCameraModel | Compute the MATLAB camera pointing parameters from the camera model. |
RHSClockDrift | Gravitational and velocity clock drift. |
RangeMeasurement | Computes range and range rate measurements. |
Spectrum | Gives the spectrum for radiation using conventional names. |
StellarIrradiance | Computes the stellar irradiance. |
ToneRanging | = 299793.458; |
VelocityTimeDilation | Velocity time dilation. |
AlphaBetaToU | Compute a unit vector given alpha and beta angles. |
AltitudeSH | Computes the altitude over a spherical harmonic terrain map. |
CreateVCDisturbanceFile | Create a VisualCommander disturbance file from a cad model. |
DrawFieldLines | Draw field lines on a sphere. |
GlideSlope | Compute the glide slope angle. |
NRLArray | Generates data for the NRL SolarCon solar array. |
NeptuneAirshipSizing | Size an airship to operate with neutral buoyancy on Neptune. |
PlanetWithTerrain | Generate vertices and faces for a planet with terrain. |
TargetSlew | Compute a slew to a target. |
TileOBJSphere | Creates a segmented unit sphere Wavefront obj and mtl files. |
AddRobotArm | Add a multi-element arm to a CAD models. |
JHAPLSatelliteMass | Mass of JHU APL satellites. |
SatelliteSubsystemMass | Create masses for a satellite. |
SVN Revision: 42425
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