Path: SCPro/ProActuators
% Simulates a two phase stepper motor. State 'AB' [theta;omega;iA,iB] 'DQ' [theta;omega;iD,iQ] 'FI' [theta;omega] The AB and DQ models are just coordinate transformations of one another. The FI model only computes the torque assuming that the currents reach steady state instantaneously. This model neglects magnetic coupling between the phases and variations in the inductance as a function of rotor position, the detent torque and magnetic saturation. The data structure: ------------------- dS.l - inductance of the phase winding dS.nR - number of rotor teeth dS.r - resistance of the phase winding dS.kM - motor torque constant dS.kD - detente load torque dS.tM - mechanical torques on the shaft dS.coulomb - Coulomb friction dS.inertia - rotor inertia dS.damping - damping coefficient dS.uA - phase a voltage dS.uB - phase b voltage dS.uD - direct voltage dS.uQ - Quadrature voltage dS.mode - 'ab', 'dq', 'fi' The last only computes the torque and assumes that the currents reach steady state instantaneously Since version 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [xDot, tTotal, m] = StepSim( x, t, dS ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (:) State t (1,1) Time dS (:) Data structure ------- Outputs ------- xDot (:) State derivative tTotal (1,1) Total torque m (2,2) Transformation from a,b to d,q -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: 1. Bodson, M., J. Chiasson, R. Novotnak, R. Rekowski "High-Performance Nonlinear Feedback Control of a Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1., March 1993, pp. 5-14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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