Path: SCPro/ProEnvirons
% Computes the atmospheric density using Jacchia's 1970 model or scale heights. Jacchia is only valid above 80 km, so this function switches to scale heights at 80 km to give a smooth curve. Type AtmJ70ToGround for a demo. See also AtmJ70, AtmDens2, and SolarFluxPrediction. With one argument d.jD and d.rECI may be arrays. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: rho = AtmJ70ToGround( d ); rho = AtmJ70ToGround( h, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ h (1,:) Altitude d (:) Data structure .aP (1,1) Geomagnetic index 6.7 hours before the computation .dd (1,1) Day number since Jan 1., days .f (1,1) Daily 10.7 cm solar flux (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec) .fHat (1,1) 81-day mean of f (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec) .fHat400 (1,1) fHat 400 days before computation date .lat (1,1) Latitude of computation point + north (deg) .lng (1,1) Longitude of computation point + east (deg) .mm (1,1) Greenwich mean time from 0000 GMT, minutes .yr (1,1) Year .z (1,1) Geometric altitude (km) or .jD (:) Julian date .rECI (3,:) ECI position vector .aP (1,1) Geomagnetic index 6.7 hours before the computation .f (1,1) Daily 10.7 cm solar flux (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec) .fHat (1,1) 81-day mean of f (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec) .fHat400 (1,1) fHat 400 days before computation date ------- Outputs ------- rho (1,:) Density (kg/m^3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmDens2 AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmJ70 Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Time/Date2JD Common: Time/JD2DN Math: Linear/Mag SC: Environs/SolarFluxPrediction SC: Ephem/GMSTime
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