Path: SCPro/ProSensors
% Computes optical navigation observables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: NavObservables; [c, a, f, m] = NavObservables( r, rP, radiusP, jD, nameP, nameM, alb ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ r (3,:) Trajectory (au) rP (3,:,m) Planet trajectories (au) radiusP (1,m) Radius of the planets jD (1,:) Julian dates of trajectory points nameP {1,m} Planet names nameM (1,:) Mission name for plot titles alb (1,m) Albedo fractions for planets albF (1,m) Albedo fraction ------- Outputs ------- c (m,:) Chordwidths of planets and sun (rad) a (1,:) Minimum planet angular separation (rad) f (m,:) Power flux (W/m^2) m (1,:) Range to nearest target (au) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl Common: Time/JD2T Math: Linear/Mag Math: Linear/Unit Orbit: OrbitData/ReadHorizons SC: Ephem/Planets SC: Ephem/SolarSys
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