
Path: SCPro/ProAttitude

% Rotate about a body axis to align a body vector with an inertial vector

  1. Begin with an initial quaternion
  2. Rotate about a body-frame axis to align a body-frame vector with an 
     inertial target vector
  3. Return the new quaternion

   [q,rotAngle,sepAngle,angleRange,sepCon] = QAlignWithCon( q0, uBAxis, uBVec,...
                                              uITarget, u1B, u2I, minSep )

   q0          (4,:)   Beginning inertial to body quaternion
   uBAxis      (3,1)   Body-frame axis to rotate about
   uBVec       (3,1)   Body-frame vector to align
   uITarget    (3,:)   Inertial-frame vector to point at
   u1B         (3,N)   Vector u1 in body frame. Constraint is: 
                           acos( Dot(u1,u2) ) >= minSep
   u2I         (3,:,N) Vector u2 in inertial frame.
   minSep      (1,N)   Keep angle between u1 and u2 greater than minSep.

   q           (4,:)  Resulting Inertial-to-Body quaternion after rotation
   rotAngle    (1,:)  Angle of rotation [rad]
   sepAngle    (1,:)  Separation angle between body vector and target [rad]
   angleRange  (:,4)  Range of valid rotation angles
   sepCon      (1,N)  Separation angle between u1 and u2



Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Quaternion/QMult
Common: Quaternion/QPose
Common: Quaternion/QTForm
SCPro: ProAttitude/QRotateToAlignWithCon

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