Path: SCPro/DynamicalModels

% Right-hand-side of spacecraft dynamical equations with reaction wheels. 
   This function includes position, orientation, and wheel speed. 
   The disturbance function returns the body torque in Nm and the inertial
   force in N.
     [torque, force] = funDist( t, d, x )

   x           (:,1)     State vector [r;v;q;w;wRWA]
   t           ( 1,1)    Time
   sim         ( 1,1)    Data structure for the simulation
                         .uWheel   (3,4) Reaction wheel unit vectors
                         .inrWheel (1,1) Wheel inertia
                         .tRWA     (4,1) Reaction wheel torque
                         .tDist    (3,1) Other external torques
                         .funDist  (1,:) Disturbance function
                         .dist      (:)  Disturbance model data
                         .inertia  (3,3) Vehicle inertia
                         .mass     (1,1) Vehicle mass
                         .mu       (1,1) Gravitational parameter

   xDot        (:,1)     State vector derivative



AerospaceUtils: Coord/QIToBDot
Math: Linear/Cross
SC: BasicOrbit/FOrbCart

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