
   Performs trajectory optimization.

   Available methods are: 'downhill simplex' and 'genetic algorithm'
   d is an array of datastructures defining the different methods. You can set
   up the methods to operate sequentially, i.e. on the end condition of the 
   previous method, or to use the new initial lambda (costate) and redo 
   the problem.

   This function has a built-in demo for a low thrust 2D trajectory.

   Since version 7.
   [lambda,xF,tF] = TrajectoryOptimization( d )

   d              (:)  Input data structure
                       .method (1,:) Method
                       .repeat (1,1) 1 means use the last lambda for the next
                       .d            Data structure with method parameters

   lambda         (:)  The computed costates
   xF            (1,:) The final state achieved
   tF            (1,:) Time of final state



Common: Database/Constant
Common: General/IsVersionAfter
SC: BasicOrbit/VOrbit
SC: Ephem/Planets
Sail: Graphics/Plot2DTrajectory
Sail: Optimization/CostLowThrust2D
Sail: Optimization/FLowThrust2D
Sail: Optimization/GAMin