Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarAttDet
% Nonlinear star measurement function for use in the UKF. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: y = GStarUKFNL( x, mfd ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (6,1 Attitude states (sigma points) d (.) Data structure q (4,1) Quaternion fScale: (1x1) qBToS: [4x1 double] starMeas: [3xn double] starCat: [4x600 double] starID: [1xn] ------- Outputs ------- y (n,1) Expected measurement --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Quaternion/QForm Common: Quaternion/QMult SC: Sensor/U2Pix SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/StarMeasNL
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