
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarAttDet

% Nonlinear star measurement function.
   Computes the measurement matrix, measurements and noise
   matrix given a pixel map from the star tracker. Will update
   q if it has three valid stars and the attitude error is large.
   It will initialize itself if init is passed.

   If starData isn't a struct but is a starMatrix it will do star 
   identification internally using the init option. 
   [h, dz, R, q, starID] = StarMeasNL( r, starDataMeas, q, qBodyToCamera, starData, fScale, init )

   r             (1,1)    Measurement noise
   starDataMeas  (3,m)    m vectors of [intensity,xloc,yloc]
   q             (4,1)    Quaternion from ECI to body axes
   qBodyToCamera (4,1)    Quaternion from body to sensor axes
   starData               Star Data
                          .starMatrix (4,n)     Star catalog containing n stars stored as [intensity;u] or
                          .starID     (1,m)     Identified stars
                          or just starMatrix (4,n)
   fScale        (1,1)    Sensor scale factor
   init          (1,1)    Initialize

   h            (n,6)     Linearized measurement matrix
   dz           (n)       The measurements
   R            (n,n)     Measurement noise           
   q            (4,1)     Quaternion from ECI to body axes
   starID       (1,:)     Identified stars



Common: Quaternion/Q2Mat
Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Quaternion/QMult
Common: Quaternion/QPose
Math: Linear/Skew
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/QFromU
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarCatalog/StarDataFromStarMatrix

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