Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarCatalog
% Generates a star data structure from a star matrix. Most of the data structure is empty. This routine primarily creates a matrix which is a list of stars that are close to each other for search purposes. The data structure collects the inputs and the resulting "nearMatrix" into a data structure. starCatalog in the data structure is the star matrix in star catalog form. This routine can be slow. Normally this would not be done in flight. The field of view angle determines how close a star has to be to another to be visible in the field-of-view. The angular resolution determines which stars must be considered a single star. Type StarDataFromStarMatrix for a demo with a random star catalog and a half-sky field-of-view. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Form: d = StarDataFromStarMatrix( starMatrix, fieldOfView, angularResolution ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Inputs ------ starMatrix (4,:) Star catalog matrix fieldOfView (1,1) Angle for dot products (rad) angularResolution (1,1) Angular resolution (rad) ------- Outputs ------- d (1,1) Data structure .starMatrix (4,:) [Intensity;u] .nearMatrix (3,:) [dot;star;base star] .starCatalog (1,1) Reduced Star catalog .angularResolution (1,1) Angular resolution .fieldOfView (1,1) Field of view ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: Coord/U2RADec Common: GUIs/TimeGUI SpacecraftEstimation: StellarCatalog/RandSC
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