Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarAttDet
% A stellar attitude determination system that does not use gyros. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [q, p, qOld, w] = StellarAttDetEKFNoGyross( q, qOld, w, dT, p, Q, r, qBToS, starMeas, starData, fScale ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ q (4,1) Attitude quaternion qOld (4,1) Last attitude quaternion w (3,1) Body rate dT Time step p (6,6) State covariance matrix Q (6,6) State noise covariance r Measurement noise qBToS (4,1) Quaternion from body to sensor axes starDataMeas starData (m,3) Vector of [intensity,xloc,yloc] fScale (1,1) Sensor scale factor ------- Outputs ------- q (4,1) Attitude quaternion p (3,3) State covariance matrix qOld (4,1) Old quaternion w (3,1) Rate --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Quaternion/QMult SpacecraftEstimation: AttitudeEstimation/EKFSSG SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/AttProp SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/DSTMQ SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/RateFromDQ SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/StarMeasurement
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