Path: Thermal/ThermalGraphics
% Draw a thermal diagram. Shows each node and a line where there is conductivity or radiative heat transfer between nodes. First you initialize the routine tag = DrawThermalPlugIn( 'initialize',g ) where g is a CAD model with the added field thermalNet which is struct with fields, b, the input matrix, k, the thermal conductivity matrix, and l, the radiative coupling matrix. Each matrix is n-by-n where n is the number of components. To update write DrawThermalPlugIn( 'update', tag, t ) where t(k) is the temperature of component k. Each node is colored based on the temperature. You can set the maximum temperature by writing DrawThermalPlugIn( 'set max temp', tag, tMax ) Has a built-in demo using ThermalCube.mat -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: DrawThermalPlugIn( action, modifier ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ action (1,:) Action modifier (1,:) Modifier to the action ------- Outputs ------- tag (1,:) The tag that identifies the display -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: ThermalCube, ThermalColorMap --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: General/CloseFigure Common: Graphics/Icosahedron Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS
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