
Path: AerospaceUtils/Coord

   Generate the quaternion that transforms from the ECI to the Hills frame.
   The coordinates of the Hills frame are defined as:
        x: Radial
        z: Orbit-normal, or cross-track
        y: Completes RHS (Along-track for circular orbits)

   The relative position vector in the Frenet frame can be computed as:

   rF = QForm( qEF, drE );

   where dr is the relative position vector in the ECI frame. Or you may obtain 
   the transformation matrix, mEF, as the second output. In this case, use:

   rF = mEF*drE;
   qEH       = QHills( rE, vE );
   [qEH,mEH] = QHills( rE, vE );

   rE          (3,n) Position vectors
   vE          (3,n) Velocity vectors

   q          (4,n) Quaternions



Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Quaternion/Mat2Q
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Unit

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