
Path: Common/GUIs

% Displays an estimate of time to go, compatible with ode113.
 Pass this function as an outputfcn for a MATLAB ODE. Opens a window displaying
 the percent complete and an estimate of the time to go. Updates at 0.5 sec
 intervals. The time to go will not be exact, as the ode is calculating
 variable time steps, but will become more accurate as the sim progresses.

 You can only have one ODETimeDisplay operating at once.
   status = ODETimeDisplay( tspan, y0, 'init' )
   status = ODETimeDisplay( t, y, '' )
   status = ODETimeDisplay( [], [], 'done' )

   time          (n)      Time
   y             (n,1)    Data (currently unused)
   action        (1,:)    'init', '', or 'done'



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