Gravity turn trajectories.
Perform multiple gravity-turn trajectories for the classic Von Braun
shuttle design in the reference. As prescribed, the specified "kick
angles" differ by less than one degree. Then, we perform a sensitivity
analysis for a range of pitchover angles and plot the ratio of the final
velocity to orbital velocity. Finally, an optimization is performed with
fzero to find the pitchover angle which will result in a zero flight
path angle at burnout (horizontal flight).
Reference: Wiesel, W. E., Spaceflight Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1988,
pp. 207-211 and table 7-2.
See also: LaunchRHSData, MSThrustModel, GravityTurnSim2D, FGravityTurn
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
LaunchVehicle: LVDatabase/VonBraunRocket
LaunchVehicle: LaunchOpt/FGravityTurn
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/GravityTurnSim2D
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/LaunchRHSData
LaunchVehicle: MultiStage/MSThrustModel
SC: BasicOrbit/VOrbit