Launch vehicle simulation for single stage to orbit (SSTO) vertical launch
Simulates a gravity turn trajectory in 3D. The goal is to get the vehicle
moving horizontally to the radius vector at orbital velocity. The launch
is vertical and at the 10th time step we rotate the velocity vector
Uses RHSLaunchVehicle3D which has a spherical Earth. The simulation can handle
any number of stages which are set by the arrays d.mStage, d.thruster, d.uE
and d.cDA each of which have one element for each stage. This uses a full
3 dimensional dynamical model in cartesian coordinates.
You vary the pitchover angle to get different trajectories. The
trajectory is very sensitive to this angle. You can also change the
time step for the pitch over by changing kPitch.
See also RHSLaunchVehicle3D, Plot2D, TimeLabl, Cross, Mag, RK4, JD2000,
FlightPathAngle, OrbTrack, Gamma, RV2El
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Time/JD2000
LaunchVehicle: LVDatabase/CreateRocketModel
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/LaunchRHSData
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/RHSLaunchVehicle3D
Math: Integration/RK4
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Mag
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/FlightPathAngle
Orbit: Visualization/OrbTrack
SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El