Analyze the trajectories for around-the-Earth sub-orbital launches.
Generates multiple sub-orbital trajectories that connect the given
coordinate sets. Creates plots to analyze the relationship
between time of flight, initial velocity, initial flight path angle,
maximum altitude.
Simplifications made for this analysis:
+ Desired velocity is applied instantaneously -- no launch dynamics.
+ The rotation of the Earth is ignored
+ Atmospheric forces are ignored
Since version 1.0
d = SubOrbTrajAnalysis( lla0, llaF, tFDes, dragIsOn )
lla0 (3,1) Initial latitude, longitude, altitude
llaF (3,1) Final
tFDes (1,:) Desired time of flight
dragIsOn (1,1) Optional, default is 0 (off)
d (.) Data structure of output
Common: Graphics/Circle
Common: Graphics/NewFig
LaunchVehicle: SubOrbital/SubOrbDistance
LaunchVehicle: SubOrbital/SubOrbLambert
LaunchVehicle: Utilities/LaunchConstants
Math: Integration/RK4TI
Math: Linear/Mag