Solve for the initial conditions to perform a gravity turn trajectory.
Iterate to compute the flight path angle perturbation (pitchover) to
achieve a gravity turn launch trajectory that results in the desired
flight path angle at burnout. Compare this ad hoc approach to the
optimization performed in GravityTurnDemo.
See also RHSLaunchVehicle2D, MSThrustModel, RK4
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
LaunchVehicle: LVDatabase/CreateRocketModel
LaunchVehicle: LVDatabase/RocketDatabase
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/LaunchRHSData
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/RHSLaunchVehicle2D
LaunchVehicle: MultiStage/BurnoutVelocity
LaunchVehicle: VehicleModels/SetPayloadMass
Math: Integration/RK4