File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
sc_aero_newtonian.hNewtonian aero calculation for a vehicle with multiple articulated surfaces
sc_constants.hPhysical and mathematical constants
sc_control.hControl functions
sc_coord.hCoordinate transformation functions
sc_ellipse_geometry.hEllipse Geometry functions
sc_environs.hEnvironmental functions
sc_ephemeris.hTime and data conversions and planetary movement, position, and eclipse computations
sc_filter.hState space filter
sc_formation.hHolds the FFLib data structures and function definitions
sc_gravity.hSpherical harmonic gravity model
sc_gravity_earth.hGravity model
sc_history.hSpacecraft history
sc_jacobian.hComputes the Jacobian of a nonlinear system
sc_lambert.hLambert orbital element starting and ending set
sc_link.hLink functions
sc_math.hMath utility functions
sc_multi_body_central_hub.hA PID Based 3 axis controller for spacecraft
sc_optical_nav_meas.hOptical navigation measurements
sc_optics.hOptical functions
sc_orbit.hOrbit mechanics, including Keplerian, spherical and cartesian elements
sc_pid3axis.hA PID Based 3 axis controller for spacecraft
sc_pinhole_camera.hPinhole camera model
sc_propulsion.hPropulsion modeling functions
sc_pulsewidth_lp.hPulsewidth allocation solution using linear program (LP) formulation
sc_relative_state_from_points.hGenerates transformaton matrix and offset plus camera parameters from points
sc_sensor.hSensor functions
sc_star_meas.hIdentifies stars from a star catalog assuming a pinhole camera model
sc_state_space.hContinuous state space system
sc_stdatm.hThe standard atmosphere model
sc_ukf.hUnscented Kalman Filter object
sc_utility.hMiscellaneous functions
SCControl.hCollection of all headers in framework