Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
aero_infoAerodynamic information
aero_newtonianNewtonian aerodynamic model
alf_orb_data_sAlfriend orbital elements data structure
assign_sAssignment data structure
AtmJ70Jacchia 1970 atmospheric density model
AtmJ70ToGroundCombined J70 and standard atmosphere model
burn_sBurn data structure
camera_data_sOptical functions
coll_mon_data_sCollision monitor data
constraints_sConstraints data structure
cost_sCost estimate data structure
dv_command_sDelta-V command data structure
ecc_geom_sEccentric geometry data structure
ecc_geom_xy_sEccentric geometry data structure (xy)
ecc_team_goals_sEccentric team goals data structure
ellipse_coefficientsStructure for storing ellipse coefficients
ellipse_geometry_structStructure for storing ellipse parameters
ellipse_geometry_struct_mStructure for storing ellipse parameters in ml_matrix form
ellipse_min_distStructure for storing minimum distance
ellipse_point_on_tangentStructure for storing point on tangent line
ellipse_pointsStructure for storing points around an ellipse
FilterState space filter
galilean_moonsGalilean moon model
geom_sGeometry data structure
gps_data_sData structure for the GPS model
gps_orb_out_sStructure for storing the orbit data output of the GPS Model
gravity_earthEarth gravity model
gravity_sStructure for storing gravitational properties of a planet, used to compute the gravitational matrix at a location and time
lambertLambert orbital element starting and ending set
lp_problemBrief description of lp_problem class
mag_data_sStructure for storing magnetic field data
maneuver_sManeuver data structure
multi_body_central_hubA multi-body spacecraft model
optical_nav_measOptical navigation measurements
orb_data_sStructure for storing orbit data
orientation_sOrientation data structure
PID3AxisA PID Based 3 axis controller for spacecraft
PinholeCameraPinhole camera model
plan_param_sPlanning parameters data structure
PulseWidthLPMulti-Thruster Pulsewidth Solution using Linear Program Formulation
relative_state_from_pointsGenerates transformaton matrix and offset plus camera parameters from points
sc_earth_elevationManages requests for earth elevation
sc_earth_elevation_squareAn object used internally to manage data from a single DEM file
sc_historySpacecraft history
sc_history_segmentSegment of the spacecraft history
star_measIdentifies stars from a star catalog assuming a pinhole camera model
state_sState data structure
state_spaceContinuous state space system
StatusReportEncapsulates the solution to a lp_problem
StdAtmThe standard atmosphere model
team_goals_sTeam goals data structure
team_sTeam data structure
UKFUnscented Kalman Filter
window_sTime window data structure