AddBias |
Adds biases to the non-zero elements of measurement vectors |
ConvertHSA |
Convert HSA times to dihedral angles and chordwidths, or convert HSA data |
DWInputs |
Brings up a window for entering the desired data information |
DataWindow |
Brings up the SAAD GUI data window |
Performs spin axis attitude determination using a GUI. |
LoadSAADData |
Default function to load attitude data from formatted text files. |
PlotPred |
Computes predicted measurements, plot with actual measurements |
ResidStat |
Computes and displays residual statistics |
SAADFile |
Data file functions used by SAAD GUI |
SAADHelp |
Brings up a text window explaining the given topic |
SAADMain |
Brings up the main SAAD GUI window - the SAAD Control Center. |
SAADMenu |
Menu tools used by SAAD GUI |
SAADTool |
Window management tools used by SAAD GUI |
SMInputs |
Brings up a window for customizing the inputs to the given solution method |
SolutionWindow |
Brings up the SAAD GUI solution window |
ValidData |
Computes predicted measurements, plots predictions with |
ADComp |
Compare attitude data with a computed solution. |
ADCull |
Eliminate HSA measurements that do not fit the predicted curves. You need |
ADGen |
Generate horizon sensor and sun sensor data |
ADPartls |
Compute the measurement partials |
BObjIntF |
Determines if a bright object will interfere with a sensor scan |
BShuster |
Computes the solution to the attitude determination problem using |
BShuster2 |
Computes the solution to the attitude determination problem using |
ConeInt |
Computes the solution to the attitude determination problem using |
ConeInt2 |
Computes the solution to the attitude determination problem using |
ConjGrad |
Solves the least squares problem for |
CostF |
Finds the cost function |
CostNM |
Computes the cost functional for the Nelder-Meade algorithm |
CostNMTE |
Computes the cost functional for the Nelder-Meade algorithm |
CwValid |
Checks for valid HSA chordwiths |
Computes the Jacobian for an arc measurement. Used for sun angle |
DHArcDXi |
Interface to DHArcDX. |
Computes the derivative of the chordwidth with respect to the |
Interface to dhcwdx. |
Computes the derivatives of the dihedral angle with respect |
Interface to DHDADX. |
DSunCone |
Compute possible right ascensions and declinations given |
DiffCorr |
Solves the least squares problem for |
FX |
Finds the vectors |
Finds the vectors |
Finds the vectors |
HArc |
Computes an arc measurement. |
HArci |
Interface to HArc. |
HCw |
Computes the chordwidth. |
HCw2R |
Computes the chordwidth when the nadir vector is different for the leading |
HCwi |
Interface to HCw. |
Computes the dihedral angle for a spinning spacecraft. |
HDAi |
Interface to HDA. |
Computes the leading edge dihedral angle for a spinning spacecraft. |
Computes the trailing edge dihedral angle for a spinning spacecraft. |
KFExItMu |
One step of the extended iterated Kalman Filter measurement |
Implements an extended iterated Kalman Filter for the spin-axis |
LoadAtt |
Template to read in attitude data from a formatted text file. |
NadGen |
Generate earth radius, nadir vector and sun vector data at the selected |
Outliers |
Outputs the set of acceptable measurements. The last 3 inputs |
QuadCost |
Finds the alpha that minimizes the quadratic cost functional J |
Radiance |
Computes the earth's peak radiance. |
SFShustr |
Computes the solution to the attitude determination problem using |
SFShustr2 |
Computes the solution to the attitude determination problem using |
SunCone |
Compute possible right ascensions and declinations given |
SunData |
Computes the sun sensor data for a spinning spacecraft. This computes |
ZCull |
Eliminates horizon sensor measurements whose corresponding |