For more information see
DisturbancesDemo: Example CubeSat disturbance analysis.
MagneticControlDemo: Magnetic control demo
CubeSatTiltedWings: Design a 3U CubeSat with tilted solar wings.
DesignMagneticTorquer: Design an air coil magnetic torquer for a CubeSat.
AttitudeProfileDemo: Demonstrate the AttitudeProfile function.
OrbitAndSensorConeAnimation: Demonstrate the playback of multiple orbits and moving sensor cones.
RepeatingGroundTrackDemo: Compute and simulate a repeat ground track orbit.
BatterySizing: Compute the power storage requirements for a CubeSat.
FFSimDemo: Demonstrate the use of FFSim to analyze disturbance effects.
CubeSatGGStabilized: Demonstrate a CubeSat with gravity gradient stabilization.
CubeSatRWASimulation: Demonstrate a CubeSat attitude and power system dynamics.
CubeSatSimulation: Demonstrate a CubeSat attitude and power system dynamics.
MagneticHysteresisOrbit: Magnetic hysteresis over multiple orbits.
MomentumManagement: Demonstrate simple dipole based momentum management
RadiationDisturbance: Radiation pressure disturbance demo.
SpacecraftWithDamping: A spacecraft with rate or hysteresis damping.
TubeSatSimulation: Demonstrate TubeSat attitude and power system dynamics.
TwoSpacecraftOrbitSimulation: Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation.
TwoSpacecraftSimpleOrbitSimulation: Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation
IsothermalCubeSatDemo: Isothermal satellite demo.