
Directory List

DemoFuns, FDIR, FDIROLA, FDIRParitySpace, GeneralEstimation, UKF, Demos/FDIROLA, Demos/FDIRParitySpace, Demos/GeneralEstimation, Demos/UKF,

Functions and Demos


FNLSpring - Nonlinear estimator spring model. Used by CDKFDemo.

GXUKF - A linear measurement.

HNLSpring - Nonlinear estimator measurement spring model

RHSRBUKF - RIght-hand-side for a rigid body.

RHSUKF - RIght-hand-side for a cubic spring.


BuildLinearDF - Create a detection filter for a fully measured system.

ComputeGainsPlugIn - Create a detection filter gains GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.

DetectionFilter - Create a detection filter for a fully measured system.

DetectionFilterBuild - Algorithm to compute detection filter gains.

DetectionFilterBuilder - GUI to build detection filters.

DetectionFilterSimulation - Simulate a detection filter using a state space model.

DetectionFilterUnnormalized - Create a unnormalized detection filter for a fully measured system.

NormalizeMatrix - Normalizes a state space system for use with a detection filter.

NormalizePlugIn - Create the Normalize GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.

SimulatePlugIn - Create a Simulate GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.

StateSpacePlugIn - Create an StateSpace GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.

TMatrix - Compute a transformation matrix for the following operation

NonlinearEstimator - Implements an online approximator for a spring mass damper system.

NonlinearSpring - Right-hand-side of a nonlinear spring dynamics model.

NonlinearSpringFault - Nonlinear spring fault.

OnlineApproximator - Implements an online approximator, f( y, theta ).

RadialBasisFunction - Implements a radial basis function for online estimators.

DCMotorDetectionFilter - Implements a DC motor detection filter. Uses Euler integration.

DCMotorFailures - Triggers a failure at time tFail. Sets the failed parameter to pFail.

DCMotorParitySpace - Computes the residuals for two DC motors.

DualDCMotors - Simulates two DC motors.


NonlinearEstimator - Implements an online approximator for a spring mass damper system.

NonlinearSpring - Right-hand-side of a nonlinear spring dynamics model.

NonlinearSpringFault - Nonlinear spring fault.

OnlineApproximator - Implements an online approximator, f( y, theta ).

RadialBasisFunction - Implements a radial basis function for online estimators.


DCMotorDetectionFilter - Implements a DC motor detection filter. Uses Euler integration.

DCMotorFailures - Triggers a failure at time tFail. Sets the failed parameter to pFail.

DCMotorParitySpace - Computes the residuals for two DC motors.

DualDCMotors - Simulates two DC motors.


CDKF - Continuous discrete iterated Kalman Filter.

UDKalmanFilter - Implements a Kalman filter using UD factorization.


UKF - Implement an Unscented Kalman Filter.

UKFP - Implement an Unscented Kalman Filter for parameter estimation.

UKUDF - Implement an Unscented Kalman Filter in UD (upper diagonal) form.


FDIROLASim - Test Fault Diagnosis using online approximators.


DCMotorSim - Simulates 2 DC Motors with failure detection logic.


CDKFDemo - Demonstrate the continuous discrete iterated Kalman Filter.

KFFrequencyResponse - Computes a frequency response for a Kalman filter with an

UDKFDemo - Demonstrate the Kalman Filter using UD factorization.


UKFDemoNLSpring - Simulate a UKF with a nonlinear spring example.

UKFPDemoNLSpring - Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a nonlinear spring example.

UKFPDemoRigidBody - Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a rigid body.

SVN Revision: 20608

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