Sail Module |
CMToMassPositions | Determine mass positions from a desired center of mass. |
GimbalRates | Compute commanded gimbal rates based on commanded angles and a fixed rate. |
SearchVaneAngles | Solve a three-axis control vane problem using fminsearch. |
SolveVaneAngles | Solve a two-axis control vane problem using Newton's method. |
TorqueToCM | Sail actuation function computing needed CM to produce a given torque. |
VaneAngles | Compute angle commands for roll control using sail vanes. |
LunarDisplacement | Compute the sail acceleration needed for a displaced lunar Lagrange halo. |
LunarHalo | Initial conditions for a Sail halo in the Earth-Moon system. |
NKPlanetPeriod | Compute non-Kepler orbit periods from parameters in planetary radii. |
NonKeplerianPlanet | Sail parameters for non-Keplerian orbits near a planet. |
NonKeplerianSun | Sail lightness and pitch for a sun-centered displaced non-Keplerian orbit. |
OptimalPeriodNonKepler | Optimal orbit rate for minimizing required sail lightness parameter. |
FCoreAndMoving | Example system RHS which incorporates FMovingBody. |
FMovingBody | Moving body dynamics model with instantaneous velocities. |
FSailRB | Rigid body right-hand-side for Sail module. |
FSailTB | Rewrite of FTB in preferred sail module format |
FTimeVaryingI | Attitude RHS with time varying inertia of a single body. |
HGimballedBoom | Calculate angular momentum of boom system and update the body rates. |
MassVehicle | Compute the mass data structure. |
TwoBodyRateModel | Gimballed boom dynamics model for fixed gimbal rates. |
FPlanetControl | Sail planet-centered RHS with rho/z control via sail pitch angle. |
FixedPitchControl | Correct sail pitch using elevation, dElevation = -dPitch. |
AnglesMcInnesToU | Angles to unit vector using McInnes' convention. u will be AWAY from the sun. |
AnglesRotToU | Angles and a reference frame to unit vector. |
AttitudeProfileToTorque | Compute an equivalent torque sequence from an attitude profile. |
BConeClock | Compute a rotation matrix for cone and clock from the reference frame |
CartToI | Computes inclination from cartesian elements |
ClockConversion | Apply a clock angle convention between McInnes, PSS, and JPL. |
ConeClockConvention | Apply a selected cone/clock sign convention for angle ranges. |
ConeClockToQConstrained | Compute a quaternion from cone and clock angles. |
ConeClockToU | Compute a unit vector from cone and clock angles. |
ElToMEq | Transforms modified Keplerian elements to equinoctial elements. |
MEQToECI | Transform to ECI frame from tangential coordinates. |
MEQToI | Compute inclination from modified equinoctial coordinates. |
MEqToEl | Transforms modified equinoctial elements to Keplerian elements. |
MEqToRV | Transforms modified equinoctial elements to r and v. |
PlanetRot | Transform from ECI to planet-fixed axes. |
QSail | Quaternion from inertial to the local rotating sun-sail frame. |
QSteeringYAligned | Compute the steering rotation keeping the body axis aligned with Y. |
QToConeClock | Computes cone and clock angles from an inertial to body quaternion. |
QXToAlphaDelta | Cone and clock angles (alpha,delta) to inertial quaternion. |
RVToMEq | Transforms elements r and v to modified equinoctial. |
SteeringAnglesToQ | Convert sail steering angles to a quaternion. |
UToConeClock | Computes cone and clock angles from a unit vector. |
FCartOrbD | Right hand side for cartesian orbital equations. Accepts a data structure |
FHingeOrbit | Combined point-mass orbit and fixed-rate moving body dynamics model. |
FS4Deployment | S4 Sail simplified deployment dynamics from reference. |
Quadratic | The function f = x'*x |
RHSHelio2DOrbit | Planar heliocentric orbit problem with specular solar disturbance force. |
SARosenbrock | The function f = 100*(x(1)^2-x(2))^2 + (1-x(1))^2 |
SATestFun | Minimize the function f = 3x^3 + 5x^2 -2x + 3 |
SailClosedLoopNLEqns | Nonlinear sail RHS with area control. |
ZermeloAnalyticalCost | Computes the analytical cost for Zermelo's problem. |
ZermeloAnalyticalLambda | Computes the analytical lambda for Zermelo's problem. |
ZermeloCost | Cost function of Zermelo's differential equations. |
MovingMassDemo | Demonstrate computing moving mass positions |
SailVanesDemo | Demonstrate computing angles for a sail with a pair of vanes. |
TwoBodyBoom | Demonstrate boom dynamics and control using TBModel/FTB functions. |
VaneAnglesDemo | Demonstrate VaneAngles for a CAD model |
VaneSearchDemo | Demonstrate computing angles for a sail with four vanes. |
BallastMass2Axis | Attitude control of a sail using ballast masses in-plane. |
BoomControl | Demonstrate gimballed boom control. |
BoomGimbalActuation | Demonstrate gimballed boom actuation with set gimbal commands. |
BoomQCRDemo | Demonstrate boom dynamics and control using TBModel/FTB functions. |
VaneControl1Axis | Attitude control of a sail using control vanes. |
McInnesAngles | Demonstrate McInnes' guidance and coordinate functions. |
QSailDemo | Demonstrate sail reference frames in different orbits. |
CompareSailBillow | Compare the solar pressure force for flat and billowed circular sails. |
CompareSailOptical | Compare the solar pressure force for ideal and nonideal circular sails. |
EarthOrbitDisturbances | Demonstrate the solar sail disturbance model in Earth orbit. |
HelioDisturbances | Demonstrate the solar sail disturbance model in heliocentric orbit. |
SailForceImperfectMaterial | Compare the solar pressure force for uniform and irregular materials. |
SailForceWithIncidenceAngle | Compute sail force over incidence angle. |
SolarForceDemo | Demonstrate the solar pressure force function using a striped sail quadrant. |
AsteroidOrbitDemo | Example orbit propagation problem from an AIAA student challenge. |
AttitudeDemo | Sail attitude evolution under disturbances. No orbit dynamics. |
BoomMomentumDemo | Verify momentum conservation and rate adjustment for gimbal commands. |
LunarHaloSim | Simulate a sail halo about a Lunar Lagrange point. The orbit is unstable. |
MovingBodyDemo | Demonstrate the moving body attitude RHS. |
NKPlanetSim | Simulate a non-Keplerian orbit in a cylindrical planet-centered frame. |
NonKeplerSunSim | Simulate a non-Keplerian sail orbit in a cylindrical sun-centered frame. |
SailCombinedDemo | Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail orbiting the Earth. |
SampleOrbitContours | Sail orbit contours. |
PatchesDemo | Draw representative patches for a sail rotated by cone/clock angles |
SailAttitudePlots | Demonstrate sail attitude plots that do not require a CAD model. |
SailForcePlots | Demonstrate sail force plotting functions. |
SailSimulationPlots | Demonstrate sail simulation plots |
ViewSailForceDemo | Demonstrate DrawSailMeshVectors for different sail models. |
EarthOrbitLVLH | Earth-orbit sail analysis with sail aligned to LVLH. |
GeoOptimalDemo | Simulate a geocentric locally optimal trajectory using the control laws |
HeliopauseSimulation | Planar heliopause mission simulation. |
HeliopauseWithLaserSimulation | Planar heliopause mission simulation. |
L1Diamond | L1 Diamond formation |
LocalOptimalSim | Simulate a heliocentric locally optimal trajectory. |
OptimalSMADemo | Computes optimal semi-major axis and eccentricity control. |
SailSMAChangeDemo | Sail SMA change demo |
SMAGuidanceWithBoom | Combined guidance and control demo with fixed rate two-body dynamics. |
EarthMagnetotail | Fly near an invariant parabolic manifold and control to the displaced orbit. |
GEOGraveyard | Simulate raising to graveyard orbit from GEO. |
GeoInclinationKite | Simulate inclination change in GEO orbit. |
LEOCombinedDemo | Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in a LEO 28.5 degree orbit. |
LunarHaloDemo | Simulate a solar sail in orbit near the earth and moon. |
SPICombinedDemo | Demonstrate combined simulation for the Solar Polar Imager mission. |
SPITrajectoryDemo | Solar Polar Imager demo with JPL optimal trajectory data. |
ST9CombinedDemo | Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in ST9 orbit. |
ST9Orbit | Simulate semi-major axis change in a dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit. |
SunCombinedDemo | Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in interplanetary orbit. |
LocallyOptimalTrajectories | Demonstrate locally optimal trajectories. Uses equinoctial elements. |
NLEqSADemo | Test a nonlinear equation solver for computing cone and clock. |
OptimizationTestGrid | Do 10 tests on GAOT, simulated annealing and downhill simplex. |
PlotDeJong | Plot the 5 De Jong functions. |
PropagationDemo | Orbit propagation test. |
Sail2DOptimization | Demonstrate the Trajectory optimization function for sails in 2D orbits. |
Sail3DOptimization | Demonstrate 3D optimization. |
TrajectoryOptimizationDemo | Demonstrate the trajectory optimization function for low thrust. |
ZermeloCostDemo | Compute the Zermelo cost function as a function of costate. |
ZermeloOptimization | Demonstrate the Trajectory optimization using the Zermelo problem |
BillowedSquareSail | A billowed, square, nonideal sail in the Y/Z plane. |
Build6USail | Build a 6U Sail. |
CircularSail | Design a circular nonideal sail with billow using SailMesh. |
ConeSail | Cone sail model |
Cosmos1 | CAD model of the Cosmos-1 solar sail. |
ECHOModel | A specular spherical sail, i.e. ECHO-2 |
FlatCP1Sail | A flat, square, nonideal sail in the Y/Z plane, using CP1 properties |
FlatPlate | A flat, square, specular sail in the Y/Z plane. |
PlateWithBoom | Design a gimbaled boom specular sail model with two bodies. |
PlateWithBoomAndVanes | Design a specular sail model with a control boom and vanes. |
PlateWithMasses | Design a specular (plate) sail model with two transverse control masses. |
PlateWithVanes | Design a specular (plate) sail model with two control vanes. |
QuadBillowedSail | A billowed quadrant sail demonstrating SailMesh. Uses CP1 properties. |
S4Deploy | 40 m Scalable Sail, for deployment analysis. |
SailWithBoom | Design a gimbaled boom sail model with two bodies. |
SailWithFourVanes | Design a nonideal sail model with four control vanes. |
SquareGEOSail | A flat, specular sail for GEO simulations. |
StripedSail | Design a square sail with four striped quadrants. Uses CP1. |
PlanetDemo | Demonstrate JPL ephemeris for the solar system. |
S4Deployment | S4 (ATK's scalable sail) deployment demo. |
SailMassAndArea | Sail dimensions as a function of payload mass |
DisturbanceStruct | Return a default data structure for SailDisturbance. |
EnvironmentStruct | Return a default data structure for SailEnvironment. |
HingeRotationMatrix | Transformation matrix for an arbitrary number of single axis rotations. |
OpticalMcInnesToPSS | Convert McInnes optical coefficients to PSS format. |
ProfileStruct | Return a default profile structure for SailDisturbance. |
SailDisturbance | Compute the forces and torques on a solar sail vehicle. |
SailEnvironment | Space environment models. Designed to work with SailDisturbance. |
SolarPressureForce | Combined thermal and optical solar pressure force model. |
EER | Form: |
adjswapMutation | Adjswap mutation performs a swap of two adjacent |
arithXover | Arith crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs an interpolation |
b2f | Return the float number corresponing to the binary representation |
binaryExample | Form: |
binaryMutation | Binary mutation changes each of the bits of the parent |
boundaryMutation | Boundary Mutation changes one of the parameters of the parent and |
calcbits | Determine the number of bits to represent a float number to the |
coranaEval | Determines the value of the Corana function at point sol. |
coranaFeval | Determines the value of the Corana function at point sol. |
coranaMin | Function to minimize the Corana function. |
cyclicXover | Cyclic crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs cyclic |
deltaFunction | The delta function is the non-uniform distributions used by the nonUniform |
dists | Calculates distances between vectors of points. |
enhancederXover | EnhancederXover crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs |
erXover | Er crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs edge recombination |
f2b | Return the binary representation of the float number fval. |
floatExample | Form: |
floatGradExample | Form: |
ga | GA run a genetic algorithm. |
gaMichEval | Form: |
gaZBGrad | Form: |
gaZBGradEval | This evaluation function takes in a potential solution and two options |
gademo | Introduction to the Genetic Optimization Toolbox |
gademo1 | Introduction to the Genetic Optimization Toolbox |
gademo1eval1 | Demonstration evaluation function used in gademo1. |
gademo2 | Use of the Genetic Optimization Toolbox |
gademo3 | This is a reference for writing evaluation, operator, selection and |
heuristicXover | Heuristic crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs an extrapolation |
initializega | Initializega creates a matrix of random numbers with a number of rows |
initializeoga | Initializeoga creates a matrix of random permutations with a number |
inversionMutation | Inversion mutation inverts the bits or permutation between two |
linerorderXover | Linearorder crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs linear order |
maxGenTerm | Returns 1, i.e. terminates the GA when the maximal_generation is |
multiNonUnifMutation | Multi-Non uniform mutation changes all of the parameters of the parent |
nonUnifMutation | Non uniform mutation changes one of the parameters of the parent |
normGeomSelect | NormGeomSelect is a ranking selection function based on the normalized |
optMaxGenTerm | Returns 1, i.e. terminates the GA, when either the maximal_generation |
orderBasedExample | Form: |
orderbasedXover | Orderbased crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs order |
parse | Parse is a function which takes in a string vector of blank separated |
partmapXover | Partmap crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs a partially |
plotCorana | Form: |
roulette | Roulette is the traditional selection function with the probability of |
shiftMutation | Shift mutation performs displaces one random genein a permutation |
simpleXover | Simple crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs simple single |
singleptXover | Uniform mutation changes one of the parameters of the parent based on |
swapMutation | Swap mutation exchanges the positions of two randomly chosen genes in |
threeswapMutation | Three swap mutation performs a three way swap of three randomly |
tournSelect | Performs a tournament selection. |
tspEval | Form: |
unifMutation | Uniform mutation changes one of the parameters of the parent based on |
uniformXover | Uniform crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs uniform |
ConeClockPatches | Plot a patch of a sail oriented to the given cone and clock angles. |
DrawCircularPlane | Represent the Y/Z plane with a circle with arrows for +X/+Y only. |
DrawSailAngles | Draw cone and clock angles in 3D using translucent patches in a new figure. |
DrawSailAttitude | View a rotated CAD model and the sun vector. |
DrawSailCADModel | Draw the sail using DrawSCPlanPlugIn and then adjust colors and lighting. |
DrawSailFrames | Draw cone and clock angles using one color per frame. |
DrawSailMeshVectors | Draw a sail mesh with force vectors at each face. |
Plot2DTrajectory | Propagate and plot the planar trajectory. |
Plot3DOrbit | Plot a trajectory in 3D with initial and final orbits marked. |
Plot3DTrajectory | Propagate and plot a 3D trajectory using outputs from optimization. |
PlotSailClock2D | Plot clock angle and relevant vectors in the 2D clock plane. |
PlotSailForce | Plot the solar sail disturbance forces from the force structure. |
PlotSailForce2D | Plot relationship between force, normal, and sun vectors in 2D |
PlotSailProfile | Default plots for the information stored in the sail orbit profile. |
PlotZermelo | Propagate and plot the Zermelo trajectory. |
PlottingParabolas | Compute parabolic bounding surfaces for manifolds. |
SailDefaultColors | Define default colors for all sail plots. |
SailForceSubplots | View a single force vector in two planes using four subplots. |
SailOrbitContours | Create and draw sail orbit contours. |
SailPatchVertices | Sail vertices for a default sail in the Y/Z plane |
VisualizeSailAttitude | Visualize the attitude of a sail in 3D using a patch and sun vector. |
EarthGuidance | Guidance law for planet-centered missions. |
HeliopauseSailAngle | Generates a constant angle to get a velocity reversal trajectory. |
LambdaToConeClock3D | Generates the optimal cone and clock angles for 3D problems. |
LocallyOptimalConeClock3D | Generates locally optimal cone and clock angles for 3D problems. |
LocallyOptimalTraj | Computes locally optimal solar sail control angles. |
PlanetOptimalTraj | Computes locally optimal solar sail control angles for planet-centric. |
SPIGuidance | Guidance law for Solar Polar Imager using locally optimal control. |
SailSMAChange | Form: |
SubL1Accel | Find a sail acceleration to maintain a Sub-L1 station. |
SunGuidance | Guidance laws for common sun-centered profiles. |
TwoDOptimalSailAngle | Generates the optimal sail angle for planar problems. |
AsteroidTrajectory | Example problem from AIAA challenge. |
GeoOptimalMission | Simulate a geocentric locally optimal trajectory. |
GeoSwitchingMission | Simulate a geocentric trajectory with on/off switching. |
NewtonDemoFun | Returns the values of the equations |
OptTestFun | 10 test functions for optimization routines. The available functions are: |
OptTestFunEcon | There are two optima: |
OptTestFunParabola | A simple parabola, the function f = x^2 |
OptTestFunRosenbrock | Rosenbrock test function. |
RHSZermelo | Zermelo's differential equation right hand side. |
BoundedMutation | GA mutation function where change is bounded within a fraction of the range. |
ControlAngles3D | Computes the control angles for a 3D problem given the costates of the |
Cost3D | Function to be used for optimization. It computes an err magnitude |
CostLowThrust2D | Cost function for 2D low thrust trajectory optimization. |
CostLowThrust3D | Cost function for 3D low thrust trajectory optimization. |
CostSail2D | Cost function for 2D solar sail trajectory optimization. |
CostSail3D | Cost function for 3D solar sail trajectory optimization. |
FLambdaToConeClock | Generates the optimal cone and clock angles for 3D problems. |
FLowThrust2D | This function is for the planar orbit problem which includes |
FLowThrust3D | This function is 3D orbit problem in equinoctial coordinates. |
FSolarSailAngles | RHS for a Newton solver for sail angles. |
FractionalSelection | GA selection function where a fixed fraction of the population survives. |
GAMin | Applies a genetic algorithm to minimizing a function. |
GeneticAlgorithm | Applies a genetic algorithm to minimizing fun. |
NewtonSolver | Solves for the zeros of a set of n equations. |
SimulatedAnnealing | Implements simulated annealing. |
SingleCrossover | GA crossover function which switches a randomly selected parameter between |
TrajectoryOptimization | Performs trajectory optimization. |
FOrbitGeneral | General gravity model allowing point mass and harmonic models. |
FOrbitSingle | Gravity model allowing a point mass or harmonic models for a single body. |
FRotatingFrame | Three-body dynamics in the rotating frame with a solar sail. |
FRotatingLagrange | Sail orbit RHS in a 3 body dimensionless rotating frame. |
FRotatingPlanet | Sail orbit RHS in a planet-centered cylindrical rotating frame. |
FRotatingSun | Sail orbit equations in a sun-centered cylindrical rotating frame. |
FSailCombined | Simulation right hand side. Calls all needed portions in order. |
FSailEarthMoon | Sail dynamics with Earth and Moon gravity. |
FSailEarthSun | Sail dynamics in the Earth-Sun three-body system. |
FSailGuidance | Right-hand-side for sail with fixed cone and clock angles (McInnes). |
InitializeSailGravity | Initialize the sail simulation gravity model. |
InitializeSailSim | Initialize the sail simulation data for common cases. |
RHS2DOrbit | This function is for the planar orbit problem. |
RHS3DOrbit | This function is the right-hand-side for the 3D orbit optimization problem. |
RHSCartesian | Right-hand-side for point-mass cartesian orbit with external acceleration. |
RHSCartesianRadialAccel | Right-hand-side for point-mass cartesian orbit with radial acceleration. |
RHSEquinoctial | Right-hand-side for equinoctial elements. |
RHSOpt2DOrbit | Right-hand-side for the planar orbit optimization problem. |
RHSOpt3DOrbit | This function is the right-hand-side for the 3D orbit optimization problem. |
VarEqSailPlanet | Sail variational equations in state space form for a planet-centered orbit. |
SailEphemAlmanac | Location of planets relative to Sun in ecliptic frame using the almanac. |
SailEphemEarth | Location of Earth relative to Sun in the ecliptic frame. |
SailEphemJPL | Location of planets relative to Sun in ecliptic frame using JPL ephemerides. |
CP1Props | Front and back optical and thermal properties of CP1 (Lambertian) |
ComputeSailNormal | Find all sail components and calculate their composite normal. |
HCircularBillow | Circular billow height model |
HQuadrantBillow | Models a single sail quadrant as a section of an oblique cone. |
HRakoczy | Height function for a square sail with billow. |
IDotS4 | Inertia derivative of S4 sail. |
MakeSquareSail | Generate a flat, square, nonideal sail in the Y/Z plane, using CP1 properties |
S4DeployTorque | Disturbances function for modeling deployment of scalable square sail. |
SailMesh | Create a mesh with the height determined by a specified function. |
StripedQuadrant | Create a striped sail quadrant, with billow, in the x, y plane. |
UpdateSailOpticalProps | Look up all the sail class components and update their properties. |
AccelToLoading | Convert sail characteristic acceleration to loading. |
AccelToSailProps | Sail characteristic acceleration to mass or area for a perfect sail. |
ApplyProfileToModel | Apply a profile struct to a CAD model for display purposes. |
Cyl2Cart | Converts cylindrical position coordinates to cartesian. |
DisplaySailProperties | Display sail characteristics for a CAD model. |
GravityUnitsConverter | Converts mu from km^3/sec^2 |
LightnessToLoading | Sail loading (mass/area) from lightness parameter. |
LoadingToAccel | Sail loading parameter to characteristic acceleration. |
LoadingToLightness | Sail lightness parameter from loading (mass/area). |
SailPropsToAccel | Sail characteristic acceleration from mass and area. |
SVN Revision: 42334
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