FormationFlying Functions

FormationFlying Module

Directory List

Analysis Collision Control
Coord DataStructures Demos/Collision
Demos/Control Demos/Coord Demos/Dynamics
Demos/Eccentric Demos/Guidance Demos/LP
Demos/SafeGuidance Demos/Visual Dynamics
EccDynamics Guidance IntegratedSim
LP SafeGuidance Transformation
Utility Visual


Plot the behavior of the first and third delta-v in a 3-burn sequence
Plot the trajectory that will result from a planned maneuver.
Compare closed form Hills equations with other methods of propagation.
Simulation routine for testing DFF guidance and control laws.
Compute the total delta-v assoc. w/ several types of reconfigurations.
Find the standard deviation of along-track drift per orbit due to rel nav errors.
Compare two methods of computing the relative motion in an eccentric orbit.
Plot the results from "FFMaintenanceSim".
Formation flying maintenance simulation.
Returns data associated with various test runs for "FFMaintenanceSim".
Find the "deadband over drift rate sigma" term that results in the specified
Compare the delta-v and trajectory for two methods of relative orbit control.
Compute max. navigation error that maintains the specified performance.
Test the FFEccLinOrb function. An initial reference state in the ECI frame
Test the LPEccentric function. Provide the reference orbital elements, an
Test the LPEccentric function.
Test the LPEccentricGVE function.

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Coarse probability estimate consisting of the integral outbound of the
Calculates the probability of collision given two ellipsoid sets. For
Calculates the probability of collision given two ellipsoids
Sample data for collision algorithm initialization.
Collision monitoring algorithm for maneuvering spacecraft.
Runs the collision monitoring algorithm. Checks the ellipsoids for self
Perform a Monte-Carlo analysis of a relative orbit dynamics simulation
Runs the collision monitoring algorithm for n maneuvering spacecraft.
Transformation matrix for relative conjunction geometry. The inertial
Finds the distance (and the corresponding point) from a distant
2D elliptical patch, with axes a along x and b along y
Function finds the propagated state uncertainty ellipsoid
Calculates an ellipsoid given the ellipsoid matrix, semimajor axes,
Generate a time vector evenly spaced over true anomaly
Disturbances in Hills frame. Includes uncertainty.
Finds the polynomial roots using Laguerre's method. There is a fix in
Computes the minimum distance between two ellipsoids.
Plots ellipsoids given the ellipsoid centers and matrices
Runs the collision monitoring algorithm. Propagates forward for a fixed time
Relative disturbances for use with a relative state.
Update computed fields in the collision data structure fields.
Plots ellipsoids for Collision Monitoring given the ellipsoid centers and
Worst-case differential accelerations for spacecraft in formation.

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Computes the delta-v sequence for a relative orbit maneuver.
Computes a delta-v sequence for a relative orbit maneuver in a circular orbit
Computes the delta-v's required for an in-plane maneuver.
Computes the delta-v's required to implement a formation flying maneuver for
Generate an LQG controller for linearized relative orbit dynamics.
Compute a constant gain feedback controller for relative orbital motion.
Computes the delta-v's and half-orbit delays for an in-plane maneuver.
Computes the delta-v's required for an out-of-plane maneuver.

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Add one set of geometric goals to the other.
Computes the desired Hills-to-Body frame quaternion for a thruster firing.
Compute the desired phase on the circle from the desired phase on the ellipse.
Compute the desired phase on the ellipse from the desired phase on the circle.
This function takes the position and velocity of a satellite in the ECI
This function takes the position and velocity of a satellite in the ECI
Generate the initial orbital elements for a cluster of spacecraft given
Check whether the supplied data structure is for circular geometry or not.
Check whether the supplied data structure is for eccentric geometry or not.
Computes the position and velocity of a satellite in the Hills frame for a
Computes the position and velocity of a satellite on the local ellipse
Calculates orbital elements for projected circular formation.
Calculates orbital elements for an in-line formation.
Generate the quaternion that transforms from the ECI to the Frenet frame.
Compute the Hills-to-Body quaternion given the ECI position and velocity, and
Rotate a geometric state to the circular phase angle phi.
Scale a relative state represented by a geometric goal set. This
Subtract one set of geometric goals from the other.
Extract the geometry data from the team goals data structure
Computes body vectors to align with velocity and nadir for a thruster firing.

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Initialize a burn data structure.
Command data structure for external commands supplied to DFF system.
Initialize a constraints data structure.
Initialize a cost estimate data structure.
Initialize a delta-v command data structure.
Initialize an eccentric geometry data structure.
Initialize a team goals data structure (for eccentric geometries)
Initialize a geometry data structure.
The ISL message data structure format.
Initialize a maneuver data structure.
Initialize an orientation command data structure.
Initialize a planning parameters data structure.
Initialize a state data structure.
Initialize a team goals data structure.
Initialize a team data structure.
Initialize a window data structure.

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Extension of AssignmentDemo to include collision monitoring.
Coarse probability demo
Simulation for testing the collision monitoring algorithms.
Collision monitoring demo.
Collision monitoring demo: compare CollisionSurvey and coarse methods.
Ellipsoid minimum distance demo
Collision monitoring demo for highly eccentric reconfiguration.
Set membership probability demo. Verify shape of function.

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Analyze the performance of relative orbit control in eccentric orbits
Demonstrate the use of FFMaintenanceSim to analyze disturbance effects.
Demonstrate LQG control of relative motion in an eccentric orbit
Relative orbit control using LQG

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Demonstrate the RotateState function
Two orbits are initialized with a small inclination difference. The orbits

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Simulate relative motion in a HEO orbit with solar pressure disturbance
Compares the relative motion predicted by propagation of the discrete state-space system with the motion predicted by Hills equations.

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Demonstrate an example relative trajectory with an eccentric reference orbit
Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method, in an eccentric orbit.
Demonstrate how relative motion changes when the same relative state is initialized at different true anomalies.
Compare discrete propagation with continuous solution.
Compute several reconfiguation maneuvers of varying duration for an elliptical reference orbit.

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Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method.
Run a formation flying simulation with "DFFSim".

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Examine the "convergence rate" for an impulsive LP solution
Analyze the performance of the LPEccentric algorithm.

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Demonstrate the safe ellipse for safe relative orbit guidance
Demonstrate the performance of Safe Guidance Mode

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Visualization of eccentric relative orbits

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Computes the state trajectory (xS) of a satellite given the initial state (x0)
Integrate two neighboring orbits, with applied relative accelerations
Closed form solution of relative orbital motion using Hills equations.
Continuous-time linear model of Hills equations in Hills frame.
Convert short arc measurements to an approximate Hill's state.

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Compute the second derivative of x with respect to true anomaly.
Compute the second derivative of y with respect to true anomaly.
Compute the second derivative of z with respect to true anomaly.
Compute the first derivative of x with respect to true anomaly.
Compute the first derivative of y with respect to true anomaly.
Compute the slope of an ellipse, dy/dx, at a particular true anomaly.
Compute the second derivative of y with respect to x on an ellipse.
Compute the first derivative of z with respect to true anomaly.
Computes the relative state trajectory in an eccentric reference orbit.
Compute integration constant dH for homogeneous solution to LTV diff eqs
Given an initial Hills state (xH0) at a particular true anomaly (nu0)
Computes the relative state trajectory in an eccentric reference orbit.
Compute integration constants and initial state given the geometric goals.
Compute the H term for the homogeneous solution to LTV diff eqs
Compute integration constants for homogeneous solution to LTV diff eqs
Compute Hills frame state given initial state, true anomaly, and eccentricity
Compute the continous A,B matrices for linearized relative motion in an
Compute Hills frame state at nu given integ. constants and eccentricity.
Compute the state-transition matrix, R, given the eccentricity and true anomaly.
Compute extreme x-values and associated true anomalies for given relative motion.
Compute extreme y-values and associated true anomalies for given relative motion.
Compute extreme z-values and associated true anomalies for given relative motion.

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Define new geometric goals for a single satellite, such that any semi-major
Given the team goals, determines the starting row (a) and ending row (b)
Given a set of geometric goals for the cluster, with corresponding target
Estimate the (weighted) cost to achieve all specified unique target states.
Estimate the weighted cost to achieve all specified unique target states
Generate a Team Goals data structure given the formation type and size.
Compute the geometric goals for a formation that achieves a hexahedron
Compute the geometric goals for a formation that achieves a tetrahedron shape
Find the order of columns in a square matrix which minimizes
Generate a Team Goals data structure given the formation type and size.
Given the team goals, initialize the cost matrix "f" with the right size.
Determine whether two geometric goal sets are duplicates or not.
Determine the nearest along-track offset for a trajectory that is safe.
Compute the optimal configuration for a group of objects.
Generate the geometric goals for a cluster in a projected circular formation.
Fill in a single column of the cost matrix.
Assign target states to satellites using the priveleged assignment method.
Given an initial set of relative spacecraft IDs, examine the constraints
Set up the parameters for the assignment problem given the team goals struct.
Sort the team goals with fixed states listed before variable states.

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Thruster pulsewidth model for DFF.
Ideal actuator
Post simulation analysis. First load a data file from a DFF simulation into
Post-simulation message analysis for DFF.
Test each DFF Module individually, in batch mode.
Command list for the following scenario.
Command list for testing autonomous formation and bridging of teams.
Command list for demonstrating the achievement of cluster goals in a
Command list for monitoring a collision. Same as ProjCircCommandList
Command list for collision monitoring demo scenario.
Command list for Collision Detection Simulation
Command list template.
Command list for the testing the controller. Two spacecraft initialized
Command list for achieving a tetrahedron formation in an eccentric orbit
Command list for the main demo. Involves autonomous team formation
Command list for achieving a dual-plane projected circle,
Command list for implementing a simple maneuver with 2 spacecraft.
Command list for exercising the team management functionality.
Command list for testing the proper function of the ADCS.
Command list for the testing the controller. Two spacecraft initialized
Command list for Collision Detection Simulation
Command list for the testing the controller. Two spacecraft initialized
Command list for testing the functionality of the Team Management agent.
Generate a reference quaternion for a variety of targets. There
The executive function that initializes and runs the DFF software modules.
Right-hand-side of the spacecraft dynamic equations for the DFF system.
Computes the time left to go in the simulation, the predicted finish
Initialize and run a multiple spacecraft simulation with the DFF software.
Generate a data structure for fuel tank info.
Load the dictionary of parameters that may be uploaded to the DFF system.
Load the dictionary of known software commands for the DFF system.
Obtain the specified set of fixed spacecraft parameters (for DFF system).
Load the dictionary of telemetry data to be gathered for the DFF system.
Define the simulation data structure for the following scenario.
Set up the data structure for a DFF simulation involving autonomous
Set up the data structure for a demonstration of achieving cluster goals
ProjCircSimStruct with a new command list to run collision survey.
Set up a DFF simulation data structure to demonstrate collision detection
ProjCircSimStruct with a new command list to run collision survey.
Set up the data structure for a DFF simulation. All inputs are optional.
Set up the data structure for testing the controller.
Initialize a DFF simulation data structure for a 4 spacecraft
Define the simulation data structure for the main demo
Set up the data structure for a DFF simulation involving a
Set up the data structure for testing the controller.
Set up the data structure for a Team Management demonstration of the DFF system.
Set up the data structure for a DFF simulation which tests the
Set up a DFF simulation data structure to demonstrate collision detection
Set up the data structure for testing the controller.
Set up the data structure for testing both orbit and attitude control.
Set up the data structure for a DFF simulation which tests the
Fourth order Runge-Kutta for the DFF simulation right-hand-side.
State sensor. Gives the ideal states of the system.
This routine implements attitude control for the DFF system. PID
The attitude coordination component of the decentralized framework.
The attitude management component of the decentralized framework.
This routine performs attitude maneuver planning. It takes a target
The Collision Avoidance module for the DFF system.
The Collision monitoring component for the decentralized framework
Receive ground commands and route them to the appropriate module(s).
The decentralized control law.
The coordinate transformation element of the software.
The delta-v management component of the control software.
The decentralized guidance law.
The ISL management software for the decentralized framework.
Template for DFF software module. Describe the basic functionality here.
The parameter database for the decentralized formation flying framework.
This routine estimates the absolute orbit of the local satellite, as
The team management software for the decentralized satellite framework.

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Computes the thrust trajectory to go from an initial state x0
Determine the target state on the desired trajectory that gives the minimum
Computes the thrust trajectory to go from an initial state x0
Computes the thrust trajectory to go from an initial state x0 to a
Determine the target state on the desired trajectory that gives the minimum

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Compute attributes of along-track motion from relative state vector
Animate the evolution of the desired "safe ellipse" with the position
Compute a safe 2x1 relative in-plane ellipse.
Compute the DV to achieve a min. cross-track dist. at along-track crossing.
Generate a stacked bar chart showing delta-v directions over time
Compute a delta-v that will change the current relative trajectory to a
Closed form solution of relative orbital motion using Hills equations.
The Nominal Safe Guidance method.
Generate a 3D plot of a relative trajectory.
Compute delta-v required to reach a target position, given pos. and vel.
Compute the Hills-frame state associated with a relative ellipse.
Compute the SLO-frame state associated with a relative ellipse.
Compute the radial oscillation of the relative motion using Hills eqns.
Restrict the in-plane and cross-track components of the delta-v
Compute the "safe ellipse" parameters from relative SLO-frame pos & vel
Compute the relative SLO-frame position and velocity that corresponds to
The Safe Guidance Mode.
Find index values for separation, nominal and cross-track burns.
Tunable parameters for Safe Guidance and Collison Detection algorithms
Relative dynamic simulation for two LEO satellites with safe guidance.
Returns input data for various test cases for SafeGuidanceSim
Plot select results from a simulation
The Separation Guidance method.
Compute the maximum value of yR

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This function takes the absolute position and velocity in the ECI frame along
Compute standard differential elements from Alfriend differential elements.
Compute Alfriend differential elements from standard differential elements.
Reconstructs the geometric goals from the element differences.
Computes the Hills frame state from orbital element differences and
Compute the relative state in Hills frame given two ECI state vectors.
This function takes two ECI state vectors, and returns the relative state in
Computes mean orbital elements from reference ECI position and velocity
Convert element differences to eccentric geometric goals.
Convert element differences to Hills frame coordinates in an eccentric orbit.
Compute geometric goals given Frenet frame state and orbit info
Compute Hills frame state (time-domain) given geometric goals and orbit info
Compute element differences from Hills frame state and ref. elements
Compute geometric goals given Hills frame state and orbit info
Rotate the Frenet frame state to the Hills frame, where x is radial
Convert a circular geometry structure to an eccentric geometry structure.
Convert an eccentric geometry structure to a circular geometry structure.
Computes the desired orbital element differences, given the formation flying
Computes the desired relative position and velocity in Hills frame, given the
Computes the orbital element differences from the Hills frame state and the
Given the reference state in ECI, converts a Hills frame state to ECI.
Rotate the Hills frame state to the Frenet frame, where x is along-track
Reconstructs the geometric goals from the relative position and velocity in
Converts a state vector from the Hills to the LVLH coordinate frame.
Given the reference state in ECI, converts an LVLH frame state to ECI.
Converts a state vector from the LVLH to the Hills coordinate frame.
Transforms mean orbital elements to osculating orbital elements.
Transforms mean orbital elements to osculating orbital elements.
Transforms osculating orbital elements to mean orbital elements.
Transform geometric goals to hills-frame coordinates.

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Build a "maneuver" data structure from acceleration and time vectors.
Apply delta-v over a specified time interval with a simulation timestep
Find the size in bytes of a piece of data.
Compute the future true anomaly (unwrapped) at the specified number of orbits
Compute the 5 points of a regular tetrahedron, the surface area and volume.
Converts a Julian Date to seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970.
Compute a 3xN acceleration vector from a "maneuver" data structure.
Convert mean anomaly to true latitude.
Compute a vector of maneuver durations from time window data
Finds the solution to f(x) = 0 given df(x)/dx when only one
Convert a relative state from the nu-domain to the time-domain.
Compute the time-derivative of the true anomaly.
Generate an orbit by propagating Keplerian elements with impulsive delta-vs.
Converts seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970 to a Julian date.
Compute the 4 points of a regular tetrahedron, the surface area and volume.
Convert a relative state from the time-domain to the nu-domain.
Computes the time in seconds until the latitude "theta2" is reached from the

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Visualize the cost to achieve each target state on the trajectory.
Display Plugin for the Formation Design GUI.
Interactively analyze the shape of a relative trajectory in an eccentric reference orbit.
Compute the shape of the relative motion in the orbital plane.
Formation Design GUI.
Geometry Plugin for the Formation Design GUI.
Plot the trajectory in Hills frame and show the x-z, x-y projections.
Orbit Data Plugin for the Formation Design GUI.
Relative State Plugin for the Formation Design GUI.
Satellite Plugin for the Formation Design GUI.
Graphically show the hierarchy of teams.
Assign a hierarchical level to each team in the array.
Team Plugin for the Formation Design GUI.
View the 3-D trajectory of a formation in Hills frame.
View the geometry created by a formation of spacecraft
Given the reference orbital elements, a time span, and the spacecrafts'
View the relative motion associated with a set of geometric goals and a
Animate a satellite's relative trajectory in the inertial frame.

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SVN Revision: 42334

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