
Directory List

Classes, CommonData, Control, ControlGUI, Database, Failure, General, Graphics, Math, Plugins, Probability, SimulinkIF, Time, Demos/Control, Demos/Database, Demos/General, Demos/Graphics, Demos/Help, Demos/Math, Demos/Plugins, Demos/Probability,

Functions and Demos


ctranspose - Computes the transpose of a quaternion.

get - Gets the scalar and vector equivalent of a quat.

matrix - Returns a transformation matrix.

mtimes - Multiplies an object of type quat times a quaternion or a vector.

quat - Create an object of class quat. You can input:

scalar - Returns the scalar part of a quaternion.

vector - Returns the vector part of a quaternion.

and - Append two state space system

close - Close the loop on a statespace control system.

connect - Connection of two state space systems. The connection is

eig - Get the eigenvalues of a statespace system.

get - Get an element of the class statespace

getabcd - Get the state space matrices

getsub - Get the state space matrices

isempty - Determine if x is an empty statespace system.

mtimes - Series connection of two state space systems. The connection is

plus - Parallel connection of two state space systems.

series - Connection of two state space systems. The connection is

set - Set an element of the class statespace

statespace - Create a state space object. Everything after c is optional.

ctranspose - Computes the transpose of a matrix.

get - Gets the matrix equivalent of a transmat.

mtimes - Multiplies an object of type quaternion times a quaternion or a vector.

quaternion - Converts an input of type transmat to type quat.

transmat - Create an object of class transMat. You can input:


PSSLogo.tif - PSS Logo

SampleSimOutput.txt - Default simulation output for use with QuickPlot.

SimpleSC.mat - Simple MAT file for demos.

a.mat - Sample data for merging databases.

b.mat - Sample data for merging databases.


ACTF - Generic sensor or actuator model. The model is

Acker - Computes the gain for desired pole locations using Ackermann's

Alias - Computes the fundamental alias of a frequency

Append - Appends two state space models assuming that they do not have

BalReal - Compute the balanced realization of a, b, c, d

BalRealG - Computes a balanced realization of g.

BodeGP - Computes the phase using the Bode gain phase rule where

C2DFOH - Create a discrete time system from a continuous system

C2DPulse - Create a discrete time system from a continuous system

C2DZOH - Create a discrete time system from a continuous system

C2DZOHWD - Create a discrete time system from a continuous system

C2DelZOH - Create a discrete time systems using the delta operator

CButter - Build a continuous Butterworth Filter with output of the form

CGram - Compute the controllability gramian for a continuous time system.

CInputs - Generates different control inputs. d is the data

CLPoles - Computes the closed loop poles for a control system

CLoopS - Creates a closed loop system given the plant [a,b,c] and the

CToD - Create a discrete time compensator from a continuous time compensator.

CToDRand - Convert continuous noise process to a discrete noise process.

CompE - Create a SISO compensator using a variety of compensator elements. Each

DBalReal - Compute the balanced realization of a, b, c, d for discrete

DBode - Generates a Bode plot for a discrete time system from iu to iy.

DCGain - Computes the DC gain of a discrete time state space system.

DCGram - Compute the controllability gramian for a discrete time system.

DOGram - Compute the observability gramian for a discrete time system.

DQCE - Create an optimal estimator given a discrete time model of the form

DQCR - Create a regulator of the form

DRiccati - Solves the matrix riccati equation in the form

Delay - Create a model of a delay using Pade approximants for exp(-sT)

DigitalFilter - Implement a digital filter.

DispG - Display a "g" statespace system suing vertical bar charts.

ESAssign - Apply eigenvector assignment.

ESAssignDraper - Apply eigenvector assignment.

EVAssgnC - Use eigenvector assignment to design a controller. Complex lambdas

EVAssgnE - Use eigevector assignment to design an estimator. Complex lambdas

EVDesMat - Create the design matrix (d) for the eigenstructure assignment

EigEval - Evaluate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors graphically. The eigenvectors

FFTEngy - Plot the energy in a signal. Will annotate peaks if y is a 1-dimensional

FResp - Compute the frequency response of the system

FRespG - Compute the frequency response of the system

FRespPlot - Plot the frequency response of the system in a Bode or Nichols plot

FindPeaks - Find peaks by looking at slopes.

GND - Compute the frequency response of the system

GPMargin - Computes gain and phase margins.

GSS - Compute the frequency response of the system

Gen2nd - Creates a second order transfer function

IC - Generate a response to an initial condition vector x.

Integral - Creates a general integrator of the form

InvSys - Computes the inverse system where y is the input and u the

JLQOF - Linear quadratic regulator with output feedback cost function.

JLQTOF - Output feedback design with a reference input.

JLQTWOF - Output feedback design with a reference input.

KFilter - Mechanizes one step of a Kalman Filter with a forgetting factor

KSmooth - Mechanizes a Kalman Filter fixed interval smoother. You input a full

KronProd - Kronecker product.

KronSum - Kronecker sum.

LFBal - Perform low frequency prebalancing of a system

LQC - Quadratic controller.

LeadLag - Create a lead or lag with the appropriate phase characteristics

Limit - Limits a matrix. If limit is a scalar then the limits are set at

MSR - Mean squared response of a system. It will use the e matrix for

MagPlot - Compute the magnitude frequency response of the system

ND2SS - Creates state-space model given a denominator polynomial and

NLFilter - Implements a nonlinear fixed gain filter of the form

NQuant - Computes the variance of various types of roundoff.

Notch - Creates a second order transfer function to produce

NumericalTransferFunction - Computes a numerical transfer function from the impulse response for the system.

Nyquist - Generate a Nyquist plot from a statespace object or gain/phase data.

OGram - Compute the observability gramian for a continuous time system.

PDDesign - Design a PD controller of the form

PGains - Compute the principal gains for a system of the form

PID - Design a PID controller of the form

PIDMIMO - Produces a state space 3-axis PID controller of the form

PIDProper - Compute proper and non-proper transfer functions for a set of PID gains

PIDWithLag - Creates a PID controller when there is a lag that you wish to

PIDesign - Design a PI controller of the form

PILeaky - Design a PI controller of the form

PWM - Create a model of a pulsewidth modulator using Padé approximants.

Parallel - Parallel connects two state space models. Both systems feed off of the same

PhasePlane - Implements a phase plane controller. The optimality condition is

PrintEigenvalues - Print eigenvalues to the screen.

PropStateSpace - Propagate a state space model.

QCE - Create an estimator based on the state equations

QCR - Create a regulator of the form

Quant - Quantizes a matrix.

Riccati - Solves the matrix Riccati equation in the form

RootLocus - Generate the root locus for s SISO system.

RouthArray - Computes the Routh array for a polynomial.

S2Damp - Computes the damping ratio and natural frequency for a set

S2Z - Transform an s-plane transfer function into the

SRiccati - Solves the matrix Riccati equation in the form

SS2ND - Creates a transfer function model of a state-space system from

SSEmpty - Empty state space system. a = [], b = [], c = [], d = 1;

SVPlot - Compute the maximum and minimum singular values.

SelectS - Extract selected states from the model.

Series - Series connect two state space models so that y2 is the output

ShapeFlt - Generates a shaping filter with notches and first order roll off. If no

SizeAB - Checks the dimensions of the set a,b for consistency.

SizeABCD - Checks the dimensions of the set a,b,c,d for consistency. d need not

SizeAC - Checks the dimensions of the set a, c for consistency.

StatePrp - Propagates state equations.

SteadyS - Determine the steady state control for the system

Step - Generate a step response. If no outputs are given it will plot.

TResp - Compute the time response of a state-space system.

TTPlots - Generates torque transmission plots.

TrnsZero - Computes the transmission zeros of a plant

WPZ - This routine produces a frequency vector that includes all of the

WReson - Creates a frequency vector with points around resonances

Windup - Given a state space system

Z2Damp - Computes the damping ratio and natural frequency for a set

Z2S - Transform an z-plane transfer function into the

ZFresp - Generates the frequency response for a digital filter.

ZOH - Create a model of a zero-order-hold using Padé approximants.

xsort - Sort columns of eigenvalues so that the same eigenvalue is on the same row.

AddOuterLoop - Add an outer loop for a controller.

AssembleBlock - Assemble a block given the data structure

AssemblePlant - Assemble a plant given a model described by gIn. If open loop the output

BlockDiagramPlugIn - Create an BlockDiagram GUI plug in.

ControlDesignGUI - Design control systems using a GUI.

DualListPlugIn - Create dual lists.

EigenstructurePlugIn - Create an Eigenstructure GUI plug in.

EmptyBlock - Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions

EmptySISO - Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions

LQPlugIn - Create an LQ plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.

MapIOPlugIn - Create an MapIO plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.

ModalReductionPlugIn - Create a ModalReduction plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.

ModelPlugIn - Create an Model GUI plug in.

OuterInnerTest - Inner/Outer control loop test.

ReduceModal - Retain modes k of the system a,b,c,d

ReduceOrder - Retain states k of the system a,b,c,d

ReduceOrderPlugIn - Create a model order reduction GUI plug in.

SISOListPlugIn - Create a list of SISO elements for use by control design tools.

SISOPlugIn - Create an SISO GUI plug in.


AddOuterLoop - Add an outer loop for a controller.

AssembleBlock - Assemble a block given the data structure

AssemblePlant - Assemble a plant given a model described by gIn. If open loop the output

BlockDiagramPlugIn - Create an BlockDiagram GUI plug in.

ControlDesignGUI - Design control systems using a GUI.

DualListPlugIn - Create dual lists.

EigenstructurePlugIn - Create an Eigenstructure GUI plug in.

EmptyBlock - Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions

EmptySISO - Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions

LQPlugIn - Create an LQ plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.

MapIOPlugIn - Create an MapIO plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.

ModalReductionPlugIn - Create a ModalReduction plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.

ModelPlugIn - Create an Model GUI plug in.

OuterInnerTest - Inner/Outer control loop test.

ReduceModal - Retain modes k of the system a,b,c,d

ReduceOrder - Retain states k of the system a,b,c,d

ReduceOrderPlugIn - Create a model order reduction GUI plug in.

SISOListPlugIn - Create a list of SISO elements for use by control design tools.

SISOPlugIn - Create an SISO GUI plug in.


BuildConstant - Build the constant database. You can add to this function to build

Database - GUI to output the value of a constant. q must be an exact match.

MergeConstantDB - Merges b into a using a GUI. The new file is saved as "NewDB.mat".


ProbabilityOfFailure - Computes the probability of failure. Failure rate is in failures/unit time


AddToList - Add an item to a uicontrol listbox.

AddToPath - Add a local directory to the path and return to the current directory.

AllCaps - Determines if the string is all capital letters. s may be a cell array

ArrayToLinspace - Converts an array a s function string.

AssignFHandle - Assign either a string or function handle depending on the MATLAB version.

Cell2DToStruct - Convert a structure into a cell array where columns of the array

CellToMat - Converts a cell array to a matrix.

CenterFigure - Find a position array that centers a figure

ChangePath - Change the path

CloseFigure - Close a figure

CloseIfHandle - Close h if it is a handle to a figure.

CloseMatFile - Closes every file not listed in kOpenPre.

CloseUIElement - Close a UIElement.

ColorSpread - Produce a set of 3-element RGB colors that spread across the colormap.

ColumnSizeCellArray - Outputs the size of each column of a cell array.

ConvertFortranFormatToC - Convert Fortran formats to C. Specifically A, I, D, E, F are converted.

CreateLatexTable - Creates a LaTeX table from x. x may be a two dimensional cell array or

DateChanged - Find a list of files in the directory who have been modified

DeBlankAll - Delete all blanks including spaces, new lines, carriage returns,

DeBlankLT - Delete leading and trailing blanks.

DeleteCell - Delete a cell element of a one dimensional cell array.

DeleteFromList - Delete the selected item from a list.

DeleteIfHandle - Close h if it is a handle

DeleteSuffix - Deletes the .xxx part of a name.

DirToCell - Converts a directory list into a cell array. The second argument can be used

DrawTreeDiagram - This function creates and draws a tree diagram.

EditDlg - Creates a dialog which requires a string as an answer.

EditScroll - Implement a scrollable edit window

Equal - Returns one if a and b are identical. This function calls itself

FSWClock - This routine implements the flight software clock.

FindDirectory - Returns the path to a directory.

FindInFiles - Find all files that contain a specified string.

FindStringInFiles - Finds all instances of the string z in directory d.

FixLineEndings - Make line endings consistent with the platform.

Fractal - Generates fractals. Pass a vertex list, face list, depth of the fractal

GUIColors - GUI for setting interface colors. Saves the values in the file GUIColors.mat.

GetCurrentGUIObject - Gets the last uicontrol that was hit.

GetEntry - Gets the input from a vector of graphics handles and determines

GetFileRoot - Get the root name of a file (without the .xxx)

GetFileSuffix - Get the suffix of a file, i.e. the xxx of

GetHeaders - Finds all files in the directory d. Recursively searches through

GetInputFromString - Generates an output from a string.

GetListString - Get an element from a list uicontrol. Returns empty if there is no string

GetModificationDate - Gets the modification date.

GetNewTag - Get a new tag to uniquely identify a figure.

GetUIElement - Get certain properties of UIElements.

HierarchicalListPlugIn - Create and manages a hierarchical list. Each element of the list is

Inflation - Computes U.S. inflation.

IsValidField - Determine if a field exists and is not empty.

IsVersionAfter - Checks to see if the version of Matlab is after v

IsVersionBefore - Checks to see if the version of Matlab is before n

LatexScientificNotation - Converts a number into a string using latex notation

LatexTableFromStructure - Creates a LaTeX table from s.

LegendFig - Produce a new figure with just a legend of colors and names.

ListCases - List the switch cases that are included in a given file.

ListFunctions - List the functions that are called from a given file.

ListMemberFunctions - List the member functions that are included in a given function/file.

MakeCFMFile - Generates a new simulation configuration management file.

MatToCell - Converts a string matrix to a cell array.

MessageQueue - Creates a message queue GUI. Once opened, it stays open.

Num2Str1Line - Converts a matrix to a one line string.

OpenCFMFile - Open a configuration management file.

OpenFile - Open a file using a GUI if it is not specified.

OpenMat - Load a .mat file

PathDirectories - Generate a cell array list of all directories in the Matlab path.

PrintTitle - Print a title with --- under and above.

ProcessTag - Code used to process tags for sensors and actuators.

RadioButtons - Create radio buttons. Units are pixels. format is a cell array of the

Ramp - Generate a ramp signal at t0 from value v0 to vF in time interval t

RemoveContentsFile - Removes the 'Contents.m' file from a cell array of file names

RequiredFields - Returns 1 if the data structure g has the required fields in r

SaveStructure - Save a structure in a file. You will be able to read it in by typing

Selection - Selection GUI.

SetUIElement - Set certain properties of UIElements

StdAtm - Computes atmospheric density based on the standard atmosphere model.

StringToToken - Finds the first token in a string

StringToTokens - Converts a string to a list of tokens

StructToCell2D - Convert a structure into a cell array where columns of the array

StructureList - Creates a list of structures and variables. d may contain data

TabBox - Form:

TesselatePolygon - Tesselate Polygons

UIElement - Interface to PSS and Mathworks UI. PSS functions

ValidTime - Returns the time if valid. Otherwise returns empty. Valid time is

WaitBarManager - Manages the wait bar.

fixpopupuicontrol - This function found on Mathworks website as a bug-fix for MATLAB 7.

flength - Give the length of a file in bytes.


AddAxes - Adds x,y,z coordinate axes to a figure.

AddDeltaModeToPlot - Add mode change to a plot.

AddView - Add view accelerators to a figure.

AddZoom - Add zoom-in (CTRL+I) and zoom-out (CTRL+O) accelerators to a figure.

AnglePatch - Draw a patch showing the inner angle between two vectors.

AnimateVectors - Animate one or more time-varying vectors.

Animator - Animate a set of 2xN or 3xN matrices over N steps.

AssignColors - Choose n colors from around the RGB color wheel. See also hsv2rgb.

AttitudeCoordinates - Draw attitude coordinates.

AttitudeFrames - Draw attitude frames. You can add these to any 3D picture.

AxesCart - Draw axes

Axis3D - Adjust 3D axis

AxisEqual - Equalize the axes with a minimum relative size for the smallest axis.

BarPlot - Creates a bar plot of x where x(k) is assumed held constant from k to k+1

CameraControls - This function creates a GUI for manipulating the camera view.

Centroid - Compute a centroid from a set of vertices.

Circle - Compute x y data for a 2-D Circle.

ConvertOBJFileColorToMatlab - Converts the Wavefront OBJ color format to Matlab.

DrawFOV - Draw fields of view.

DrawImage - Draws an image in a figure window

Ellipsd - Generates an ellipsoid using the equation

Figui - User-interface to manage figure windows.

FunNames - Get Function Names

Icosahedron - Generate an icosahedron inscribed in a unit sphere.

ImageOverlay - This function displays an image file and overlays text boxes.

InformDlg - Create an information dialog that will be dismissed by a script.

IntersectPlaneAndSphere - Finds the vector giving the intersection

LabelLine - Labels a line.

LegendTitle - Add a title to the current legend.

Loc3D - Plot the location of points

LogLimit - Given a frequency vector, find the logarithm of the frequency

Map - Draws a 2 dimensional or three dimensional map. Turns on mouse driven

Mesh2 - Draws mesh plots. If either xCol or yRow are a scalar, draws a

Mesh3DMF - Generate a 3DMF for a mesh. This function will append ".t3d" to the file.

MeshEllipsoid - Draw an elliptical covariance display in real-time.

MeshSOR - Create a polygonal mesh from a surface of revolution. The origin

MeshToPatch - Convert a mesh to a patch. If the arguments v and f are input

NPlot - NPlot generates a plot on which the ylabels are character strings. The

NewFig - Creates a new figure

Normal - Compute a normal from a set of vertices using the Newell method.

Plot2D - Easily build a versatile 2D plot page consisting of any number of plots.

Plot3D - Create a 3-dimensional plot.

Plot3Vector - Plot a 3 vector as x, y, z subplots as well as a combined plot.

PlotColor - Generate [r, g, b] for and index k = 1 to 100.

PlotF - Plot a variable number of points. The function is called as:

PlotPlanet - Add planet to current axes.

PlotV - Draws plots of a set of 3*m-by-n vectors in 3D axes.

PltStyle - Edit this to globally change the plot styles for the plot labels

Polygon - Generate the properties for a polygon given vertices in the form v(3,n).

PrintFig - Prints specified figures to a printer or files.

RealTimePlot - Plot real time

Rename - Renames a figure title. If f is not entered it renames the current figure.

SetCopy - Set the dimensions of the figure when copied or printed.

SetFont - Sets default fonts

SliderBar - Create a slider in a new figure with continuous calls to callback.

SortFigs - Sort figure windows by cascading them.

Splash - Draw a splash screen.

StateDisplay - Draw a covariance display in real-time.

StopGUI - GUI for stopping scripts. Has Pause, Stop, and Plot buttons.

StrMtch - In a matrix with each row a string finds the matching string

TextS - Prints labels on a graph.

TimeCntrl - Perform actions specified by the time display.

TimeGUI - A GUI displaying the time remaining and estimated completion of a simulation.

TimeLabl - Generates a time label given the maximum value of t. Also rescales t.

TimeToGo - Computes the time left to go in the simulation, the predicted finish

TitleS - Creates a title using the toolbox style settings.

VectorPlot - Draw a set of axes followed by individual vectors, i.e. normals.

View3D - View a plane of a 3D plot or standard cartesian view.

WriteCM - Write a matrix for use in a C or C++ program.

XLabelS - Creates a label using the toolbox style settings

YLabelS - Creates a label using the toolbox style settings

ZLabelS - Creates a label using the toolbox style settings


ACosD - Inverse cosine with output in degrees

ACot2 - Inverse cotangent -? ? z ? ?

ACot2D - Inverse cotangent -180° ¾ z ¾ 180°

ACotD - Inverse cotangent with output in degrees. -90° <= s <= 90°

ACscD - Cosecant with output in degrees

ASecD - Cosecant

ASinD - Inverse sine with output in degrees

ATan2D - Inverse tangent -180° ¾ z ¾ 180°

ATanD - Inverse tangent with output in degrees. -90° ¾ s ¾ 90°

Armijo - Use the Armijo rule to compute a stepsize, alpha:

AutoCorr - Generates the autocorrelation function for the input sequence.

Binomial - The binomial expansion of (x + y)^n

CFract - Computes the value of a continued fraction of the form

CHarm - Generate a series of cosine harmonics of the arguments

CHarmD - Generate a series of cosine harmonics of the arguments

ColCompR - Computes the right column compression of a matrix. Compresses the

ComplexToReal - Convert a matrix from complex to real. c is assumed to have columns of

CosD - Cosine with input in degrees

CosX - Computes the value of the cosine function given the argument in

CotD - Cotangent -¼/2 ¾ x ¾ ¼/2

Cross - Vector cross product. The number of columns of w and y can be:

CscD - Cosecant with input in degrees.

DLyapG - Find the solution for the Lyapunov equation apa' - p + q = 0, which is

DUnit - Derivative of the unit vector for r.

DelLZ - Deletes leading zeros from a vector.

DeltCirc - Find the angle between x and y. z = x - y;

DeltaEig - Computes the delta eigenvalues for a given a small perturbation of a, e

Dot - Dot product. The number of columns of w and y can be:

DupVect - Create a matrix with n rows or columns each of which equals the

Euler - Euler's method for numerical integration.

FTrunc - Simulates floating point truncation to -ƒ.

Factorl - Computes the factorial matrix for a matrix.

FitPair - Given xF, find yF that best fits xF given the pair (x,y)

FloatToTwosComplement - Converts a float to two's complement array. For example:

FourierSeries - Generates the Fourier Series sine and cosine coefficients of a signal using

GJInv - Matrix inverse using Gauss-Jordan elimination with partial pivoting.

GenSub - Subtract two matrices where NaN - NaN or inf - inf == 0

Heavisde - Heavside function. H = 1 x „ 0, otherwise = 0

HypgF1 - Computes the value of the hypergeometric function

HypgFr - Computes the value of the ratio of hypergeometric functions

HypgMr - Computes the value of the confluent hypergeometric ratio

IntExpR - One dimensional interpolation and extrapolation on the rows of a.

IntExt - One or two dimensional interpolation and extrapolation. If no outputs

Interp1D - Performs a linear interpolation:

InterpolateCircle - Interpolates between x1 and x2 when x1 and x2 lie in a circle. When

IntersectLineAndCone - Compute the intersection of a line and a cone. The line is defined by a

IntersectLineAndEllipsoid - Compute the intersection of a line and ellipsoid. Always returns

Inv3x3 - Inverse of a 3x3 matrix.

InvP - The product form of the inverse:

IsSing - Outputs 0 if the matrix is singular

IsZero - Set = 0 if the matrix is all zeros.

JCart2Sp - Converts cartesian to spherical coordinates. Spherical coordinates are

JSp2Cart - Computes the Jacobian for converting from spherical to

Jacobian - This function computes the Jacobian matrix for a right hand-side.

JacobianODE - This function computes the Jacobian matrix for a right hand-side.

LEPDS - Solves the problem ax = b when a is positive definite symmetric

LSSVD - Solves ax = b using the singular value decomposition

LeastSq - Find a weighted least squares curve fit to the overdetermined

LyapG - Solve the general Lyapunov equation ap + pa' + q = 0

Mag - Given a 3-by-n matrix where each column represents a vector, return a

ModNewt - Finds the solution to f(x) = 0 given derivative information.

NLEqSolver - Solves a set of equations for zero using Newton's method.

NLEqSolverWrapper - Wraps the Newton's method solver by trying several values.

NewStats - Calculates the new standard deviation and average.

NewtRaph - Finds the solution to f(x) = 0 given df(x)/dx when only one

NewtonsMethod - Solve an optimization problem with Newton's method.

Odd - 1 if the value is odd

OptimalTrajectory - Computes the control for an optimal trajectory using simplex for a fixed

PAL - Generates the Associated Legendre Functions of the first kind

PDAL - Generates Associated Legendre Functions of the first kind and derivatives

PGauss - Computes the Gaussian form of the Legendre functions.

Pade - Create a Padé approximant of exp(sT)

Perpendicular - Finds perpendicular vectors to a such that Dot(b,a) = 0.

PointInPolygon - Determine whether points p are in polygon v.

Product - Computes product of the terms in a vector

R2P5 - Rounds towards zero to the nearest 1/2

RK2 - Second order Runge-Kutta. Called function is of the form:

RK4 - Fourth order Runge-Kutta. Called function is of the form:

RK45 - Fourth/fifth order Runge-Kutta.

RK4TI - Fourth order Runge-Kutta integration. RHS is time-independent (TI).

RoundN - Round to n decimal places

RowCompU - Computes the upper row compression of a matrix. Compresses the

SCHarm - Generate a series of sine and cosine harmonics of the arguments

SCHarmD - Generate a series of sine and cosine harmonics of the arguments

SCSeries - Compute a series a + sum(bn sin(n wo t)) + sum(cn cos(n wo t))

SHarm - Generate a series of sine harmonics of the arguments

SHarmD - Generate a series of sine harmonics of the arguments

SXV - Multiplies a scalar times a vector. Each column in the vector is

SecD - Secant

Secant - Finds the solution to f(x) = 0 without derivatives.

Sep - Separate a matrix or vector based on the criteria entered in s. For example

Simplex - Uses the simplex method to minimize the cost when solving the problem

Simplex2 - Computes the solution to the simplex problem with an optional

SimplexOld - Uses the simplex method to minimize the cost when solving the problem

SimplexScaling - Scales the multipliers of the slack variables in the 'a' matrix

SinD - Sine with input in degrees

SinX - Computes the value of the sine function given the argument in degrees.

Skew - Converts a vector into a skew symmetric matrix.

SkewSq - Computes the product of two skew symmetric matrices derive from vectors. If

SkewSymm - Converts a vector into a skew symmetric matrix

SphJacobian - This function is the application to the chain rule to a function U

SubPoly - Subtract two polynomials so that c = a - b.

SumC - Always sums by column even if x is a single row.

SumV - Sum a set of vectors in a 3-by-n matrix

TanD - Tangent with input in degrees

TriangleWave - Generates a triangle wave. 0 is the beginning and 2*pi is the end.

TwosComplementToFloat - Converts a two's complement array to float.

Unit - Unitize vectors by column.

UnitVectorAverage - Average unit vector.

UnwrapPhase - Unwrap a vector of angular values to change continuously.

VerSin - Produces a smoothly varying function from 0 to xMax.

WrapPhase - Wrap a phase angle (or vector of angles) to keep it between -pi and +pi


Telemetry - Generates a GUI with a set of telemetry pages.

TelemetryOffline - This GUI plots telemetry files previously saved by Telemetry.

TelemetryPlot - Plot real time in a single window.

TimePlugIn - Create a time GUI plug in.


BinomialTheorem - Computes the binomial theorem.

CRand - Given a covariance matrix, c, finds a transformation matrix

CableTensionExample - Cable tension example.

Combinations - The number of combinations of r articles in n samples.

ConfidenceInterval - Computes the confidence interval.

CovarianceRHS - Generates the covariance derivative. The covariance matrix is entered as

EMarkov - Find the correlation time and the mean squared value for a Markov sequence.

ErrorCombination - Combine errors given a function.

GaussianCPDF - Compute the cumulative probability density function for

GaussianPDF - Compute the probability density function for a Gaussian distribution.

GaussianRSG - Gaussian Random Sequence Generator Using the Box-Mueller Transform

Markov - Generate random output from a Gauss-Markov process. The

RMarkov - Generates the autocorrelation function for a Markov Process.

RandPM - Generates uniform random matrices between -1 and +1

Random - Compute a random nxm matrix

SMarkov - Generates the spectral function for a Markov Process.

SignTest - Compare the relative accuracy of two signals.


SFunc - An example s-function that interfaces mfiles to Simulink. It implements


DN2Date - Computes the date from the day number and year. January 1 is day 1.

DNString2Date - Converts a day number string to a date.

DTAToDTS - Converts the date time array to the date time structure

DTSToDTA - Converts the date time structure to the date time array

Date2DN - Compute the day number from the date. Uses the format from clock. If no

Date2FY - Computes the fractional year from the date.

Date2JD - Compute the Julian Date from the date. Uses the format from clock. If no

DateStringToJD - Convert a date string to Julian date. The date string

DeltaT - Computes the difference between UT1 and TT based on the Julian date.

FindSolsticeOrEquinox - Finds the Julian Date for solstices and equinoxes.

JD2000 - Returns the Julian Date for J2000.0 0d 0h UT

JD2DN - Compute the day number from Julian date.

JD2Date - Compute the calendar date from the Julian date. Uses the format

JD2Day - Computes the day of the week from Julian day number.

JD2MJD - Converts Julian date to Modified Julian Date

JD2T - Converts Julian days to centuries from J2000.0

JDToDateString - Convert Julian Date to the form '04/20/2000 00:00:00'

LeapYear - Determines if a year is a leap year

MJD2JD - Converts Modified Julian Date to Julian date

SystemTime - Provides the system time to the software.

T2JD - Converts Julian centuries from J2000.0 to days

TAI2TT - Converts Terrestrial atomic time to Terrestrial dynamic time

TDB2TT - Converts barycentric dynamical time; used as time-scale

TT2TAI - Converts Terrestrial (dynamic) time to Terrestrial atomic time

TT2TDB - Converts terrestrial dynamic time to barycentric dynamical

TT2UT1 - Converts TT (Terrestrial (dynamic) Time)

TimeStringToJD - Convert a time string to Julian date. The time string

UT12TT - Converts UT1 (time scale based on the rotation of the earth)

YPF2T - Converts years in fractional form, e.g. 1993.5 to T


CCVDemo - Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model.

CCVModel - CCV aircraft model.

ControlExample - Put a series of compensators on a double integrator.

LQFullState - Demonstrate full state feedback.

ModelMatchingControl - Demonstrate model matching control using a single integrator plant.

PIDDemo - Compare the closed-loop response of a linear system with PID control

PWMVsZOH - Shows the difference between a PWM and a ZOH.

SimpleControl - Simple controller.

TFiltRO - Demonstrates how to implement a digital filter.

TNoise - Designs noise filters and simulates them to show how they attenuate

TPID - PID Controller for a double integrator.

TPIDSat - Demonstrates the effect of integrator windup and how to fix it.

TSimplex - Demonstrate simplex.

TSmooth - Demonstrate fixed interval smoothing using a Kalman Filter


TConstant - Demonstrate the Constant database. You can search for parameters stored


UIElementDemo - Demonstrate UIElement and other controls.


DemoRealTimePlot - Demonstrate real-time plots

TimeGUIDemo - Demonstrates the TimeGUI plugin in a loop.


FileHelpDemo - Demonstrate the online file help


DoggyProblem - Demonstrate the BinomialTheorem for the doggy problem.

GunProblem - Demonstrate the BinomialTheorem for the gun problem.

SimplexConstraintRelaxationDemo - Solve an infeasible LP with simplex through constraint relaxation

SimplexScalingDemo - Solve a linear program with Simplex. Illustrate the need for scaling.

THyperG - Demonstrate hypergeometric functions.


TelemetryDemo - Telemetry Demo


GaussianRSGDemo - Gaussian Random Sequence Generator Demo

SVN Revision: 20608

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